
We have experienced social isolation in response to COVID-19. In particular, our weak ties (ties among acquaintances rather than between family and friends) have been trimmed. I argue, based on the work of Granovetter, Nussbaum, Talisse, and Lanoix, that this trimming of weak ties has consequences, not just for well-being, but also for how we practice social citizenship. I conclude with the suggestion that we make use of research on how to build resilience in individuals, in the hopes that resilient individuals will be in a better position to rebuild some of what the pandemic has destroyed.


citizenship, COVID-19, Granovetter, Lanoix, Nussbaum, sociability, Talisse, weak ties


Sep 2nd, 12:00 AM

The Pandemic, Sociability, and Citizenship

We have experienced social isolation in response to COVID-19. In particular, our weak ties (ties among acquaintances rather than between family and friends) have been trimmed. I argue, based on the work of Granovetter, Nussbaum, Talisse, and Lanoix, that this trimming of weak ties has consequences, not just for well-being, but also for how we practice social citizenship. I conclude with the suggestion that we make use of research on how to build resilience in individuals, in the hopes that resilient individuals will be in a better position to rebuild some of what the pandemic has destroyed.