"Focus on International Joint Commission Activities (ISSN 0832-6673): v" by UWindsor Administrator

Focus on International Joint Commission Activities

Focus on International Joint Commission Activities


In their presentation to the Commission- ers and meeting participants, Board Co Chairpersons Valdas Adamkus and Elizabeth Dowdeswell highlighted major points from the Board's 1987 Report on Great Lakes Water Quality. They stressed that. while considerable progress has been made in the last 15 years to achieve the goals of fishable, swimmable and drinkable water in the Great Lakes, the nature of problems has shifted from relatively simple and straightforward ones, like over—enrichment. to the more complex issue of persistent toxic sub- stances. 1urisdictional‘initiatives like the development of remedial action plans for Areas of Concern in the basin have been met by a great deal of public interest and involvement, which the Board considers extremely encouraging.
