These publications reflect the unique history of Windsor, Detroit and the surrounding regions along the Detroit river. Topics include the settlement of the Detroit river region and persons of historical interest, companies and industry information, promotional materials, warfare, souvenirs and more.
Bartlet, Alexander Diary 1864
Alexander Bartlet
Alexander Bartlet was born on December 31st 1822 in Forgue, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. In 1841, he emigrated to Canada and settled in Amherstburg, Ontario. He worked as a building contractor with his 2 older brothers, James and William, who had emigrated previously. In 1851, he married Helen Noble and in 1853 they moved to Windsor, Ontario. They had 5 children. He became town clerk in 1858 and then police magistrate in 1878. He died December 22nd 1910.
Bartlet, Alexander Diary 1865
Alexander Bartlet
Alexander Bartlet was born on December 31st 1822 in Forgue, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. In 1841, he emigrated to Canada and settled in Amherstburg, Ontario. He worked as a building contractor with his 2 older brothers, James and William, who had emigrated previously. In 1851, he married Helen Noble and in 1853 they moved to Windsor, Ontario. They had 5 children. He became town clerk in 1858 and then police magistrate in 1878. He died December 22nd 1910.
Bartlet, Alexander Diary 1866
Alexander Bartlet
Alexander Bartlet was born on December 31st 1822 in Forgue, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. In 1841, he emigrated to Canada and settled in Amherstburg, Ontario. He worked as a building contractor with his 2 older brothers, James and William, who had emigrated previously. In 1851, he married Helen Noble and in 1853 they moved to Windsor, Ontario. They had 5 children. He became town clerk in 1858 and then police magistrate in 1878. He died December 22nd 1910.
Bartlet, Alexander Diary 1867
Alexander Bartlet
Alexander Bartlet was born on December 31st 1822 in Forgue, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. In 1841, he emigrated to Canada and settled in Amherstburg, Ontario. He worked as a building contractor with his 2 older brothers, James and William, who had emigrated previously. In 1851, he married Helen Noble and in 1853 they moved to Windsor, Ontario. They had 5 children. He became town clerk in 1858 and then police magistrate in 1878. He died December 22nd 1910.
Bartlet, Alexander Diary 1868
Alexander Bartlet
Alexander Bartlet was born on December 31st 1822 in Forgue, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. In 1841, he emigrated to Canada and settled in Amherstburg, Ontario. He worked as a building contractor with his 2 older brothers, James and William, who had emigrated previously. In 1851, he married Helen Noble and in 1853 they moved to Windsor, Ontario. They had 5 children. He became town clerk in 1858 and then police magistrate in 1878. He died December 22nd 1910.
Bartlet, Alexander Letters to the Essex Record and Toronto Globe
Alexander Bartlet
Alexander Bartlet was born on December 31st 1822 in Forgue, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. In 1841, he emigrated to Canada and settled in Amherstburg, Ontario. He worked as a building contractor with his 2 older brothers, James and William, who had emigrated previously. In 1851, he married Helen Noble and in 1853 they moved to Windsor, Ontario. They had 5 children. He became town clerk in 1858 and then police magistrate in 1878. He died December 22nd 1910.
Letters date from 1863 to the late 1860s.
Bartlet, James Journal 1893
James Bartlet
James Bartlet was born October 22nd, 1813 in Forgue, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. He emigrated to Canada with his brother William in 1835 and settled in the Windsor region. In 1841, he married Helen Walker. He worked as a building contractor with William and later Alexander, his youngest brother. He died in 1896.
Battle of Lundy's Lane
Ernest Cruikshank
A historical study of the Battle of Lundy's Lane, July 25th, 1814; third edition
Brief Review of The Settlement of Upper Canada by The U. E. Loyalists And Scotch Highlanders in 1783
D. M'Leod
A brief review of the settlement of Upper Canada by the U. E. Loyalists And Scotch Highlanders in 1783; and of the grievances which compelled the Canadas to have recourse to arms in defence of their rights and liberties, in the years 1837 and 1838: together with a brief sketch of the campaigns of 1812, '13, '14: with an account of the military executions, burnings, and sackings of towns and villages, by the British, in the Upper and Lower Provinces, during the commotion of 1837 and '38.
Brief Sketch of the County of Essex in the Province of Ontario, Canada 1889
J. E. Johnson
"A brief sketch of the county of Essex, in the province of Ontario, Canada: also a short history of the formation and growth of the town of Essex, with biographical sketches of some of the public men, descriptions of buildings &c., describing its climate, situation, resources, soil, productions, and advantages as a place of settlement"
"Issued under the authority of the Municipal Council of Essex by J. E. Johnson, editor and proprietor of the Essex Liberal"--Cover
Filmed from a copy of the original publication held by the Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; part of
Campaigns of 1812-14
Ernest Cruikshank
Contemporary narratives by Captain William Hamilton Merritt, Colonel William Claus, Lieutenant-Colonel Matthew Elliott and Captain John Norton.
Canadian Achievement in the Province of Ontario Vol. 1 The Detroit River District
Hugh Cowan
This volume is the first of the contemplated series. It narrates the settlement and development of the Detroit River, or Western District, until after the close of the War of American Invasion, 1812-1815, the locality where, in 1701, was established the first French colony of the west, the story of which, and the subsequent developments therefrom, constitute the first chapter in the history of the Province.
Canadian Tours 1919
United Hotels Company of America
Motoring in Canada: the Canadian Tours have now been definitely laid out between Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Buffalo, N. Y., to Hamilton, Ontario, and Toronto, Ontario, and from Hamilton via London, Ontario, to Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan, with a branch extending from London to Sarnia, Ontario, and Port Huron, Michigan.
Chatham Baptist Church Centennial 1850-1950
Chatham Baptist Church
Chatham Baptist Church from 1850-1950.
Choice Farming Lands For Sale In The Counties Of Kent, Essex, And Lambton, 1869
James Crawford
Lots for sale in Kent, Essex and Lambton counties, with prices added by hand; dated April 7th, 1869,
City of East Windsor 1929
City of East Windsor
A celebration of the town of Ford City becoming the city of East Windsor; covers the history of Ford City up to 1929.
Commemorative Biographical Record of the County of Essex Ontario
J. H. Beers & Co.
Biographical Sketches of prominent and representative citizens and many of the early settled families of Essex County, Ontario.
The importance of placing in book form biographical history of representative citizens, both for it's immediate worth and for its value to coming generations, is admitted by all thinking people; and within the past decade there has been a growing interest in this commendable means of perpetuating biography and family genealogy.
Commemorative Biographical Record of the County of Kent Ontario
J. H. Beers & Co.
Biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens, and of many of the early settled families of Kent County.
The importance of placing in book form biographical history of representative citizens, both for it's immediate worth and for its value to coming generations, is admitted by all thinking people; and within the past decade there has been a growing interest in this commendable means of perpetuating biography and family genealogy.
Days in and About Detroit: National Educational Association Fortieth Annual Meeting 1901
National Educational Association
Official program of the National Educational Association Fortieth Annual Meeting, held July 8th-12th, 1901, in Detroit. It includes an overview of the history of Detroit and the surrounding region, as well as places of interest to visit.
Declaration of the War of 1812
Great Britain. Parliament
Declaration of the war of 1812; declaration is dated January 9th, 1813; London Gazette, January 9th-12th, 1813; no. 16691; includes other miscellaneous notices.
Detroit River Tunnel Between Detroit, Michigan, and Windsor, Canada
William John Wilgus
The history, engineering, and costs of the rail tunnel between Windsor and Detroit; Institution of Civil Engineers, Session 1910-1911, Part 3, Section 1: Paper 3915 (February 7th, 1911).
Detroit Unveiled: A Graphic and Startling Revelation of Michigan’s Metropolis
Frederic S. Crofoot
"Detroit Unveiled" by Frederic S. Crofoot, is the latest addition to sensational literature. The author has been exploring the muddy by-paths and crooked lanes running through the dark side of Detroit's social world, and gives his curious experience in a terse, well written style. The book is illustrated with some well executed engravings and is neatly bound.
Detroit Windsor Tunnel 1955
Detroit And Canada Tunnel Corporation
A map of Detroit-Windsor and surrounding area; history of the tunnel construction
Early History of the Town of Amherstburg
C. C. James
A short, concise, and Interesting sketch, with explanatory notes, by C. C. James, M. A., Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario.
Early History Of The Town Of Amherstburg Second Edition
C. C. James
A short, concise, and Interesting sketch, with explanatory notes, by C. C. James, M. A., Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario.
Elmwood Motor Hotel
Elmwood Motor Hotel
The Elmwood Motor Hotel and other attractions in and around Windsor.
Essex County Council: Proceedings, 1860-1868
Essex County Council
Minutes of Essex County Council meetings, bylaws, and supplementary materials, from 1860-1868.
Essex Historical Society Papers And Addresses Volume 1
Essex Historical Society
The papers and addresses cover topics such as the Battle of Fighting Island, justice in Sandwich, local literature and historical sources, the Labadie family, Fort Malden, and the history of place names.
Essex Historical Society Papers And Addresses Volume 2
Essex Historical Society
The papers and addresses include topics such as the Battle of Windsor, Fort Malden, the history of the town of Sandwich, and Assumption Parish.
Essex Historical Society Papers And Addresses Volume 3
Essex Historical Society
Papers and addresses include topics such as the Windsor and Detroit ferries, How Windsor got its name, Windsor's St. Andrew's Society, Fighting Island, Moy Hall, the New Settlement on Lake Erie (Colchester and Gosfield), and Windsor Collegiate Institute.
Exiles: An Archival History of the World War II Japanese Road Camps in British Columbia and Ontario
Yon Shimizu
This book is the result of my unsuccessful attempt to write about the sugar beet experience which many Japanese had to endure as a result of their exile from the "Protected Area". My request in the "Nikkei Voice" for responses from the men who had had that particular experience in Ontario, resulted in two replies. Given the lack of survivor response, I decided instead, that I would research the Public Archives of Canada, on the Road Camps instead. This book, then, is the result of that research.
Fifteen Year Programme for the Urban Renewal of the City of Windsor and its Metropolitan Area
Faludi, E. G. And Associates
Prepared for the City of Windsor; "We take pleasure in submitting a fifteen year programme for the urban renewal of the City of Windsor and its metropolitan area. This report is a logical sequence of the Master Plan Report, which we submitted thirteen years ago as a guide for the future development of Windsor. Since then remarkable improvements have taken place in the city. Some of them were of a legislative nature, others were physical developments involving some 40 public and private projects at a cost of almost 24 million dollars."
Fifty Years Forward With Ford
Ford Motor Company
50 year retrospective of the Ford Motor Company from 1903-1953.
Ford Graphic. Ford Golden Jubilee, 1904-1954
Ford Motor Company of Canada
Vol. 7: no. 15 (1954: Aug. 17); 50 years of progress; history of the Ford Motor Company of Canada; a newspaper for the employees of Ford Motor Company Of Canada Limited
Ford Graphic. Royal Visit to Ford, Monday, October 15, 1951
Ford Motor Company of Canada
Souvenir Edition: October 15th, 1951; Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh visit Ford Motor Company of Canada
Fort Malden National Historic Park Archives Guide
H. J. Bosveld
Since its establishment in 1941, and particularly during its early years of operation, Fort Malden National Historic Park has acquired variety of manuscript materials, both relevant and irrelevant to its themes. In keeping with the early procedures for the receipt of items into the collections, much of this material is in the form of now untraceable loans, creating potentially permanent custodial situation. Whether thematically relevant or irrelevant, much of the material is historically invaluable and there exists an ethical obligation for its proper care and accessibility to legitimate researchers.
Garden gateway to Canada : one hundred years of Windsor and Essex County, 1854-1954
Neil F. Morrison
Acknowledgements. Foreword. 1. A general survey. 2. Midstream of the century--the eighteen fifties. 3. The decade that gave birth to the Dominion of Canada--the eighteen sixties. 4. National, political, and economic adjustments of the eighteen seventies. 5. The rewards of years of endeavour--the eighteen eighties. 6. The end of the Victorian epoch--the eighteen nineties. 7. Embarking on the new era of industrialism--the nineteen hundreds. 8. Sixty odd years of progress. 9. The conflicts of nationalism and industrialism precipitate World War I--nineteen-ten to nineteen-nineteen. 10. The crest of prosperity--the nineteen twenties. 11. Depression .. war .. recovery--the nineteen thirties and later. Index.
Glamour Of Old Time Days Around The Detroit River And Essex County
Essex County Ontario Tourist Association
History of Windsor and Detroit; "an historical sketch reminding us that our inheritance was won by great deeds and unstinting sacrifices"
Greater Windsor Directory of Manufacturers 1958
Greater Windsor Industrial Commission
Directory of industries and a cross-indexed list of products manufactured; includes a statistical profile of Windsor.
Greater Windsor Directory of Manufacturers 1962
Greater Windsor Industrial Commission
Directory of industries and a cross-indexed list of products manufactured; includes a statistical profile of Windsor.
Greater Windsor Directory of Manufacturers 1963
Greater Windsor Industrial Commission
Directory of industries and a cross-indexed list of products manufactured.
Her Stories: Lives of Women In The Detroit River Region
Madelyn Della Valle
Her Stories pieces together the lives of eleven women who lived or traveled through the Detroit River region in the 18th and 19th centuries. Unfortunately, some of these women did not leave behind any records of their own making. Like so many other women from the past, some of their stories must be told using scraps and pieces of the better known histories recounted by men; a booklet based on the exhibition at the Francois Baby House: Windsor's Community Museum.
Hiram Walker: His Life and His Work and the Development of the Walker Institutions in Walkerville, Ontario
Francis X. Chauvin
A Biography of Hiram Walker including.a brief sketch of the Walker lineage on American soil since 1661. A detailed narrative of Hiram·Walker's life and lifework, as a comprehensive epitome of the development of the Walker Institutions under his sons and grandsons.
History Of The Studebaker Corporation 1852-1923
Albert Russel Erskine
The Studebaker brothers, and their father before them, were blacksmiths, woodworkers, and wagonmakers by trade. Stretching over a period of two generations, they developed and expanded the Studebaker horse-drawn vehicle business until it reached worldwide proportions.
History of the Wigle Family and Their Descendants
Hamilton Wigle
The decision to publish a new book containing more fully the splendid history of the Wigle family was the culmination of the following considerations by a group of like-minded persons who made all necessary arrangements and appointed Hamilton Wigle an Editor. The only family record to be found is in the book written by Mrs. Burch in 1880 and it has always been felt that a more complete and up-to-date record should be published.
How To See Detroit?
Dietsche Sightseeing Company
"No long walks, tired bodies, or worried minds in trying to find the many different places of interest. Dietsche's Sight-Seeing Autos afford visitors a quick, restful and inexpensive way of seeing Detroit"
Huron Deed of Gift 1780
Jesuit Missionaries and Hurons
Deed in which the Hurons/Wyandots transferred 2 arpents of land to the Jesuit Missionaries. The land lies between the Detroit River and Grand Marais and is the current location of Assumption Church and the University of Windsor. The original document is in the University of Windsor Archives, accession number 99-008, file 1; includes French transcription and English translation.
Illustrated Historical Atlas of the Counties of Essex and Kent, 1880-1881
H. Belden & Co.
Covers the history, geography, and biography of the Counties of Essex, Ontario and Kent, Ontario.
Journal Written by Edward Baker Littlehales
Edward Baker Littlehales
"An exploratory tour partly in sleighs but chiefly on foot, from Navy Hill, Niagara, to Detroit, made in the months of February and March, A.D. 1793, by his Excellency Lieut.-Gov. Simcoe with Introduction and notes by Henry Scadding, D.D."
J. T. Wing and Company Limited, General Catalogue No. 38, 1938
J.T. Wing and Company
In presenting this, our catalogue no. 38, we have endeavored to list and give details of the most important items of factory supplies, iron and steel, contractors' equipment, plumbing and heating supplies, builders' hardware, prepared roofing, asphalt shingles, and paints; J. T. Wing was a hardware retailer, located at 375-388 Pitt Street East in Windsor, and on the corner of Wellington and William Streets in Chatham.
Jubilee Memorial, 1857-1907: the Story of the Church and First Fifty Years of the Diocese of Huron
J. B. Richardson
A history of the Anglican diocese of Huron in London, Ontario.
Lake Erie North Shore Trail, Ontario, Canada, 1927 Edition
Southern Ontario Highway Association
Detroit-Windsor to Niagara Falls, Canadian link to Roosevelt highway, a trail famous for a century.
McDougall Street Corridor
Willow Key and Irene Moore Davis
Recovering the stories: a brief pictorial history.
This commemorative booklet is part of a larger project: We Were Here: Bringing the Stories of Windsor's McDougall Street Corridor to Life.
Medical Men of Essex County
James Wilbert Brien
For many years the Essex County Medical Society has shown its desire to have a record of the medical practitioners who have practiced in this county and have gone on to their reward. Dr. J. W. Brien has by diligent work so characteristic of him, correlated the work of previous historical committees and added to that, information he obtained from all available sources, and from his own knowledge acquired in a long and honorable association with medical affairs in Windsor and Essex County.
Memoire au Sujet de Paroisses Canadiennes-francaises a Windsor
French Speaking Parishioners of Windsor
Petition and supporting documents sent to Rome calling for the establishment of French-Canadian parishes in Windsor, and for the right to be served in the French language by French speaking priests.
Men of Achievement, Essex County, Volume 1
Francis X. Chauvin
Biographies of prominent male citizens of Essex County, Ontario.
Men of Achievement, Essex County, Volume 2
Francis X. Chauvin
Biographies of prominent male citizens of Essex County, Ontario.
Naval Warfare on the Great Lakes, 1812-1814
T. G. Marquis
Naval battles on the Great Lakes during the War of 1812.
New Route Between Detroit And Windsor Via Ambassador Bridge 1930
Ambassador Bridge
Information about the opening of the Ambassador Bridge, plus maps of the surrounding region.
Odsiecz Fighting Poland, Volume 1, 1941
Polish Armed Forces
During the second World War, the Polish Army operated a recruitment centre in Windsor, Ontario. From July 17th, 1941 until April 19th, 1942, they produced the newspaper Odsiecz / Fighting Poland on a weekly basis. It was published in Polish and English and was heavily illustrated. Approximately 20,000 copies per issue were circulated in the United States and Canada. The main purpose of Odsiecz was to encourage the Polish diaspora in North America to enlist in the Polish Armed Forces. The newspaper contained articles about the situation at the front, their activities in Windsor, and also in Owen Sound, which was the location of their training camp.
Odsiecz Fighting Poland, Volume 2, 1942
Polish Armed Forces
During the second World War, the Polish Army operated a recruitment centre in Windsor, Ontario. From July 17th, 1941 until April 19th, 1942, they produced the newspaper Odsiecz / Fighting Poland on a weekly basis. It was published in Polish and English and was heavily illustrated. Approximately 20,000 copies per issue were circulated in the United States and Canada. The main purpose of Odsiecz was to encourage the Polish diaspora in North America to enlist in the Polish Armed Forces. The newspaper contained articles about the situation at the front, their activities in Windsor, and also in Owen Sound, which was the location of their training camp.
Picturesque Detroit and Environs
Charles Forbes Warner
Published as part of a series by the Picturesque Publishing company of Northampton,Mass. Picturesque Detroit and Environs is fully illustrated with black and white photos and etchings throughout of the city of Detroit and surrounding regions.
Plan for Funding and Refunding the Debts of the Municipalities of East Windsor, Walkerville, Windsor and Sandwich
Windsor Finance Commission
Prior to the amalgamation of East Windsor, Walkerville, Windsor and Sandwich under The City of Windsor (Amalgamation) Act 1935, those four Municipalities functioned separately and each owed large amounts to the public. All four Municipalities were in default for payment of part of the principal owing on their several debts, the default having occurred in the case of East Windsor on October 1st, 1931, Sandwich on March 1st, 1932, Windsor on December 1st, 1932, and Walkerville on December 14th, 1934. The first three Municipalities were also in default for payment of interest. In 1935 the City of Windsor (Amalgamation) Act, 1935, was passed for the purpose of amalgamating the four Municipalities and providing a solution for the problems created by the above defaults.
Practical Homes
Windsor Lumber Company
Illustrations of houses with accompanying floor plans for houses built by the Windsor Lumber Company.
Records of the Municipal Council of the Western District 1842-1890
County Council of Essex and Western District Municipal Council
United Counties of Essex, Kent, and Lambton; in so far as they relate to the County of Essex; from the date of the first meeting of the said District Council held at Sandwich in 1842 to the end of the January session in 1890; also the minutes of the County Council of Essex from the June session of 1877 to the January session of 1890.
Select British Documents of the Canadian War of 1812, Volume 3 Part 1
William Wood
Documents relating to the War of 1812.
Select British Documents of the Canadian War of 1812, Volume 3 Part 2
William Wood
Documents relating to the war of 1812.
Sons of Zebedee, Daughters too! : a Talbot Family History from 1735 to 2019. Vol. 1
Kenneth R. Stanton
A three volume history of the Talbot family.
Sons of Zebedee, Daughters too! : a Talbot Family History from 1735 to 2019. Vol. 2
Kenneth R. Stanton
A three volume history of the Talbot family.
Sons of Zebedee, Daughters too! : a Talbot Family History from 1735 to 2019. Vol. 3
Kenneth R. Stanton
A three volume history of the Talbot family.
Southwestern Ontario For Your Canadian Vacation 1948
Ontario. Department of Travel and Publicity
This booklet deals with vacation spots in Southwestern Ontario, roughly that area lying between Lake Erie on the south and Georgian Bay on the north; Lake Huron on the west, and on the east a line drawn across country from Oakville on Lake Ontario, to Southampton on Lake Huron.
Souvenir History And Business Directory of Leamington
City of Leamington
A history of Leamington, Ontario; prepared for the Leamington celebration of the Diamond jubilee of confederation of the Dominion of Canada, and Old Boys reunion, July 1, 2, and 3, 1927.
Souvenir of Canada's Sun Parlour. Home of Heinz 57 Varieties, Leamington, Ontario
Heinz Company
ca. 1960; brochure for Leamington plant visitors.
Souvenir Windsor And Walkerville May 1895
E. J. Baxter
Official programme of Grand Military Demonstration, May 24th, 25th, and 26th, 1895; involved the 48th Regiment of Highlanders (Toronto) and the 25th Battalion of St. Thomas.
Spotlight on Essex County: 2009 Fall To 2010 Winter
Essex Free Press
Articles about Essex County on topics such as wind power, unsolved murders, Jack Miner, Holiday Beach, local writers.
Spotlight on Essex County: 2010 Fall
Essex Free Press
Articles about Essex County on topics such as local aviators, grain silos, lost communities, toll gates, pawpaw and Jesuit pear trees, wineries.
Spotlight on Essex County: 2010 Spring
Essex Free Press
Articles about Essex County on topics such as homelessness, foster parents, inventors, sheep farms, the Osage orange, prohibition, Point Pelee National Park.
Spotlight on Essex County: 2010 Summer
Essex Free Press
Articles about Essex County on topics such as migrant workers, festivals, steamships, photography, fishing, wineries, birding, County Road 50, War of 1812.
Spotlight on Essex County 2010 Winter
Essex Free Press
Articles about Essex County, Ontario, on topics such as the Nisei farm camps, Camp Cedarwin, Faithville, and the underground railroad.
Spotlight on Essex County 2011 Spring
Essex Free Press
Articles about Essex County, Ontario, on topics such as the mennonites, lumbermen, model trains, ice sculptures, and Ty Cobb.
St. John's Church Sandwich: First Centennial of the Anglican Church in the County of Essex
Robert Stuart Woods
100th anniversary publication; "With special reference to the history and work of St. John's Church, Sandwich"; print copy located in Queen's University Library.
St. John's Church Sandwich, Windsor, Ontario 1802-1952
Harrison Palmer Westgate
150th anniversary publication; "the beginnings of the Anglican Church in the Western District"; 2nd edition
Through Ninety Years: A Record of Worship, Work, and Witness under the Grace of God, 1855-1945
All Saints Church (Windsor)
The history of the All Saints Church from 1855-1945.
Toronto Daily Mail. Essex Supplement. March 5th 1892
Toronto Daily Mail
"The town of Essex: historical and descriptive sketch of the settlement"; page 3 missing.
Toronto Daily Mail. North Essex Supplement. January 2nd 1892
Toronto Daily Mail
Supplement describing Essex County (Ontario).
Tourist Guidebook of Ontario 1928
J. D. McAlpine
Official Tourist Guidebook of Ontario; published for the Essex County Automobile Club.
Tourist Guidebook of Ontario 1930
J. D. McAlpine
Official tourist guidebook of Ontario; published for the Essex County Automobile Club.
Tunneling Detroit River
Redfield Proctor
A letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, a report of a Board of Engineers on the practicability and approximate cost of tunneling the Detroit River at or near Detroit, Michigan, in compliance with the joint resolution of April 19, 1890; 51st Congress, 1st Session, Ex. Doc. no. 369
Walker Airport: Souvenir Programme, Official Opening, September 8-9, 1928
Border Cities Aero Club
Includes a history and description of the Walker Airport, the Border Cities Aero Club., and aviation in the Windsor area.
War on the Detroit: The Chronicles of Thomas Vercheres de Boucherville and The Capitulation by an Ohio Volunteer
Milo Milton Quaife
Under the title of The Battle of Detroit: an English translation of the journal of Thomas Vercheres de Boucherville, and "The Capitulation", likely by James Foster.
Windsor Airport: 50th Anniversary, 1978
Canada. Department of Transport
Windsor Airport 50th anniversary pamphlet
Windsor Centennial Festival, 1854-1954
Windsor Centennial Festival Inc.
Souvenir program for the centennial festival of the incorporation of Windsor, Ontario, Canada as a village in 1854.
Windsor, Essex, And Lake Shore Railway: Criticisms And Charges, 1933
Criticism and charges against the Windsor, Essex and Lake Shore Railway, dated January 19th, 1933; also the responses to these criticisms; the Windsor, Essex, and Lake Shore Railway folded on September 15th, 1932.
Windsor, Essex, And Lake Shore Railway: Report, 25 July 1934
T. Stewart Lyon
The history and financial situation of the Windsor, Essex, and Lake Shore Rapid Railway Company / Windsor, Essex, and Lake Shore Electric Railway Association up to its demise in 1932.
Windsor, Essex And Lake Shore Rapid Railway Company. Minutes of Meetings and Bylaws 1927-1932
Windsor, Essex, And Lake Shore Electric Railway Association and Windsor, Essex, And Lake Shore Rapid Railway Company
The Windsor, Essex, and Lake Shore Interurban was incorporated in 1901. It became the Windsor, Essex, and Lake Shore Rapid Railway Company in 1907. In 1929 it was acquired by local municipalities and became the Windsor, Essex and Lake Shore Electric Railway Association. The municipalities were the City of Windsor, the towns of Kingsville, Leamington and Essex, and the townships of Sandwich West, Sandwich East, Sandwich South, Gosfield North, and Gosfield South. These are the minutes of meetings and the by-laws for the last 5 years of its operations. It folded on September 15th, 1932.
Windsor, Ontario, 1913, Canada: Including Walkerville, Ford, Sandwich and Ojibway
H. W. Gardner
A written and pictorial representation of the growth and expansion of the municipalities of Windsor, Walkerville, Ford, Sandwich and Ojibway.
Windsor, Ontario: A Study in Urban Geography
J. Lewis Robinson
History and urban geography of Windsor, Ontario and region to 1942; M. A. thesis, Syracuse University
Windsor Ontario Report Progress Review 1955-1959
City of Windsor
"This year, it was felt we should make a report to the people of Windsor informing them of municipal operations, past progress of the City and future developments."
Windsor Ontario Reports 1960 Pride in Progress
City of Windsor
1960 was a year of preparation for several major developments in the City. Urban Renewal, equalization of assessment, Metropolitan Area Study, relief sewer project, sewage treatment plant and interceptor sewer, are among the works now under active study by the civic staffs whose responsibility it is to advise the Council on the most effective method of financing the works while preserving Windsor's fine credit position.
Windsor Ontario Reports 1961 Pride in Progress
City of Windsor
"1961 was a year of progress in the many major projects initiated by City Council"; these included projects such as the completion of Huron Lodge, a retirement home, the near completion of the area G relief sewer program, and the near completion of phase 1 of subsidized housing in Glengarry Court.
Windsor Ontario Reports 1962 Pride in Progress
City of Windsor
Highlights the accomplishments for 1962, e.g. a new tourist centre, the commencement of construction on a new County Court House, and the opening of the Jackson Park overpass, extending Ouellette Avenue southwards.
Windsor Ontario Reports 1963 Pride in Progress
City of Windsor
"Accomplishments and policies of your City Council during 1963"; they include construction of a new fire station and social services building; more sewer work, more clearance of blighted areas, and urban renewal.
Windsor Ontario Reports 1964-1965 Pride in Progress
City of Windsor
"The year 1964 will be remembered as one of the most important in the history of the City of Windsor. The highlight was the industrial and commercial recovery with expansion at a rate in excess of any city in Canada in relation to its size."
Windsor Ontario Reports 1965-1966 Pride in Progress
City of Windsor
" During 1965 Windsor has undergone a transformation unequalled in any single year of her long history. Many of our ancient downtown structures have come under the wrecker's hammer to be replaced by new buildings embodying modern design and materials. In addition new apartments and commercial structures are penetrating our skyline. Not the least of these is our municipal parking garage for the convenience of our shoppers and visitors. This development has often been referred to as "the changing face of Windsor"."
Windsor Ontario Reports 1966-1967 Pride in Progress
City of Windsor
"Our centennial year will be a year of progress in our community. For the first time we will be well on the way to stopping our gross pollution of our beautiful Detroit River and connecting lakes. We will open up new areas of subdivision for housing and industry. We will build more houses, both for rent and for sale and we will acquire the right-of-way for the E.C. Row Expressway across the city. We will complete Centennial Park on the riverfront and construct an artificial ice rink in Sandwich East and a swimming pool in Riverside." ; the immediate problems of annexation have been solved.
Windsor Ontario Reports 1967-1968 Pride in Progress
City of Windsor
"1968 should be a year of progress toward a better planned city with fuller services."; work on the E.C. Row Expressway continues, as to improvements to city streets and sewers; includes sections on education and recreation.
Windsor Salt Freakies
Canadian Salt Company
Picture book about Windsor table salt and the process of creating the product; numerous illustrations of strange fictional animals.