Reducing Neurodegenration in Rats with Therapeutic Treament of JSK and Ubisol-Q10

Submitter and Co-author information

Austin J. Elliott Mr., University of WindsorFollow

Type of Proposal

Visual Presentation (Poster, Installation, Demonstration)

Streaming Media


Faculty of Science

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Siyaram Pandey

Start Date

24-3-2015 1:00 PM

End Date

24-3-2015 1:50 PM

Importance of the Project

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by loss of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain. The death of neurons in this region is commonly associated with PD symptoms such as impeded control of motor functioning. This includes tremors, impaired balance and rigidity of them muscles during the early stages. There are currently 100 000 individuals diagnosed with PD in Canada, with 5500 new cases expected each year. Currently, 40% of patients develop PD before the age of 60, although many are diagnosed in their 20's, 30's, and 40's (Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, 2015). Due to the increase in seniors (60+) in the population, rates of diagnosis are expected to double in the next few years, which is why it is crucial to find a treatment that will not only alleviate symptoms but slow the progression of the disease. Studies that have replaced dopamine have reduced symptoms temporarily but cannot stop the progression of neuronal degeneration. The current goal of our research is to find a treatment that will slow the progression of neuronal death to improve the lives of those with the disease.

Existing State of Knowledge

The role of environmental and genetic factors on the cause of Parkinson’s is still poorly understood. However, recent literature suggests that oxidative stress caused by buildup of reactive oxidative species (ROS) produced by the mitochondria is a primary factor in the onset of neurodegeneration (McCarthy, et. Al.). Increased levels of ROS may cause apoptotic or necrotic cell death in the midbrain, leading to symptoms characteristic of patients with the disease. Antioxidants such as Ubisol-Q10­have shown considerable effectiveness against the buildup of ROS. Until recently, Ubisol-Q10 was only available in the lipid soluble form, which was only effective at high doses. New formulations of water-soluble Ubisol-Q10 have increased bioavailability and have been shown to reduce death of dopaminergic neurons more efficiently than the lipid soluble form. Our latest research has been focused on another natural treatment that could possibly be effective against PD. A paper published in 2013 in Resorative Neurobiology and Neuroscience investigated the effects of an ancient Chinese herbal formula called JSK (Ji-Sui-Kang) in treating Acute Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). JSK was shown to decrease rates of necrotic cell death as well as promote axonal growth and mylenation in the spinal cord of rats with SCI, (Su et. Al.). Our hypothesis is that PD treatment with JSK and Ubisol- Q10 could additively reduce neurodegeneration in an animal model.

Research Question

Would therapeutic treatment of PD with a combination of Ubisol-Q10 and JSK have additive effects in reducing neurodegeneration?


Two experimental groups and one control group of rats will be used to determine the additive effects of JSK and Ubisol-Q10 on preventing neurodegeneration. The first experimental group will receive intraperitoneal injections of paraquat and will be treated with water and plain jello. The second experimental group will also receive paraquat injections prior to therapeutic treatment with Ubisol-Q10 water and JSK jello. The control group will receive saline injections with normal water and plain jello. Neuron density is determined using immunohistochemical analysis using anti-Tyrosine Hydroxylase antibodies.


Mar 24th, 1:00 PM Mar 24th, 1:50 PM

Reducing Neurodegenration in Rats with Therapeutic Treament of JSK and Ubisol-Q10