Sequential approach to pole assignment

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Modeling and Simulation, Proceedings of the Annual Pittsburgh Conference




pt 5

First Page


Last Page



In this paper a two stage, sequential at each stage, algorithm is proposed for output feedback control, and pole assignment in linear time invariant dynamical systems. In each of the two stages a reference closed loop system is found through the use of a state feedback control law. This control law is obtained using a sequential algorithm for designing an optimal linear quadratic regulator (LQR) with pole placement capability. The reference closed loop system is then extended in order to obtain a suboptimal output (projective) controller which can place a number of the original system's poles. The assigned poles from the first stage are then made uncontrollable and thereby are protected from migration under the application of the output feedback law obtained through a similar process in the second stage of the design. The overall output feedback strategy is then obtained using the results of the first and second stage of the pole placement process.

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