Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, 2009. eit '09

First Page


Last Page



This paper presents a comparative study of existing real-time MAC layer protocols for wireless sensor networks. Then, a new real-Time MAC protocol is presented that is based on a general purpose MAC protocol, called S-MAC. While medium access strategy in S-MAC is based on contention and back-off schemes, protocol proposed in this paper uses feedback approach as a medium access strategy. As a result of this, it increases consistency in data transmission pattern, which enables it to guarantee end-to-end delay deadlines for soft realtime applications. Proposed protocol works in continuous ON mode of operation at MAC layer and is intended to be used for randomly deployed single stream wireless sensor applications. Finally, a comparative performance analysis of proposed realtime protocol is done with other real-time and general purpose MAC protocols for wireless sensor networks.


