Date of Award
Publication Type
Doctoral Thesis
Degree Name
Physics, Molecular.
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Highly excited (Rydberg) states in Hg(,2) molecules were populated by two successive laser pulses, a 'pump' and a 'probe' pulse, with several (mu)s delay between them. The time-evolution of the band fluorescence emitted in the radiative decay of these states was analyzed with a transient digitizer and a spectrometer, yielding the average fluorescent decay times for the bands at 259 nm, 261.2 nm, 271.8 nm, 330 nm, 420 nm, 451.4 nm, 509.7 nm, and 632.6 nm, as well as the average lifetimes of the 6('1)D(,2) and 6('3)D(,2) atomic states which agree well with other recent determinations. Cross sections for the depopulation of several of the Rydberg molecular and atomic states induced by collisions with Hg atoms were also measured. The observed decay-times of the molecular bands and of the accompanying atomic fluorescence provide a basis for the assignment of the bands to specific molecular states and transitions. The structure of the molecular fluorescent bands near 420 nm, 509.7 nm, and 632.6 nm was analyzed and some molecular vibrational constants obtained. A quad-prism unidirectional achromatic beam-expander for use in the oscillator stage of a pulsed dye-laser was designed and tested. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, Section: B, page: 0834. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1983.
Recommended Citation
NIEFER, RONALD J., "TIME-RESOLVED LASER SPECTROSCOPY OF MERCURY MOLECULES." (1983). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 4394.