Date of Award


Publication Type


Degree Name



Electrical and Computer Engineering


cellular crossbar arrays;convert voltage to Memristance (VTM);logic gates;Memristor


Majid Ahmadi


Arash Ahmadi




Before 1971, all the electronics were based on three basic circuit elements. Until a professor from UC Berkeley reasoned that another basic circuit element exists, which he called memristor; characterized by the relationship between the charge and the flux-linkage. A memristor is essentially a resistor with memory. The resistance of a memristor (Memristance) depends on the amount of current that is passing through the device. In 2008, a research group at HP Labs succeeded to build an actual physical memristor. HP's memristor was a nanometer scale titanium dioxide thin film, composed of two doped and undoped regions, sandwiched between two platinum contacts. After this breakthrough, a huge amount of research started, with the aim of better realization of the device and discovering more possible applications of the memristor. Memristor is considered as a suitable alternative solution to resolve the scaling limitation of CMOS technology. In recent years, the use of memristors in circuits design has rapidly increased and attracted researcher’s interest. Advances have been made to both size and complexity of memristor designs. The development of CMOS transistors shows major concerns, such as, increased leakage power, reduced reliability, and high fabrication cost. These factors have affected chip manufacturing process and functionality severely. Therefore, the demand for new devices is increasing. Memristor, is considered as one of the key elements in memory and information processing design due to its small size, long-term data storage, low power, and CMOS compatibility. The main objective in this research is new Memristive structure for digital circuit design and to overcome some of the Memristor based logic design issues using convert Voltage to Memristance (VTM) method.
