Date of Award


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Degree Name





Attitudinal tripartite framework;Beliefs about sponsorship;Conceptual model development;Perceptions;Scale development


Terry Eddy




This dissertation is focused on investigating consumers’ attitudes toward sport sponsorship. The general purpose of this dissertation is to examine the current instruments and theories utilized in the measurement and evaluation of consumers’ attitudes toward and beliefs about sponsorship in order to: 1) develop a new conceptual framework for evaluating consumers’ attitudes toward sport sponsorship; 2) create and refine a scale to measure consumers’ attitudes toward sport sponsorship; 3) establish the reliability and validity of the scale in addition to developing standards for interpreting the results it provides; and 4) test the relationship between scale dimensions on a large sample while examining the impact of attitudes toward sponsorship, measured using the scale, on other relevant sponsorship constructs. The dissertation was guided by Churchill's (1979) recommendations for generating marketing constructs (see Appendix A), in addition to more recent publications on scale development, scales published in the sport management literature, and previous dissertations in which scale development was undertaken. In Manuscript 1, a systematized review methodology was utilized to examine the literature for current theories and scales utilized in measuring attitudes toward and beliefs about sponsorships. Through this process, the tripartite framework for attitude formation was adopted as the basis for generating a new conceptual model for evaluating consumers’ attitudes toward sport sponsorship, which consisted of a cognitive, affective, and conative dimension. Manuscript 2 included item generation, a pilot study (n = 84), and two separate data collections (n = 300, n = 301, respectively) to evaluate the technical qualities and content validity of the instrument (pilot study), and the reliability, convergent, and discriminant validity of items. Feedback on the instrument was also sought from six academicians with knowledge of the subject area, several of whom also had experience with scale development, regarding the theoretical basis of the instrument and the methodological rigour utilized in the scale development process. In Manuscript 3, the convergent and discriminant validity of the measure were re-assessed, in addition to determining the influence of psychological attachment to a sport/sport property on attitude toward sponsorship and the role of attitude toward sponsorship on behavioural intention for sponsors’ products using a global sample of 300 participants.
