Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice
The Faculty of Law at the University of Windsor also publishes the Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice semi-annually with the assistance of grants from the Ontario Law Foundation and from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Visit the journal here.
Submissions from 2024
Algorithmic Personalized Pricing: A Personal Data Protection and Consumer Law Perspective, Pascale Chapdelaine
Access to Administrative Justice as an Administrative Law Value: Designing an Inclusive and Accessible Administrative Justice System, Laverne Jacobs
“Silly Anecdotes”: From White Baselines to White Juries in R. v. Chouhan, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
The Charter of Whites: Systemic Racism and Critical Race Equality in Canada, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
Submissions from 2023
Access to post-secondary Education in Canada for students with disabilities, Laverne Jacobs
Guest editors' introduction: Inclusive post-secondary education and persons with disabilities, Laverne Jacobs and Mark Bell
CBDC+: Why CBDC Proposals Need to Become More Comprehensive to Succeed, Muharem Kianieff
For the Encouragement of Learning: The Origins of Canadian Copyright Law, Myra Tawfik
Submissions from 2022
Les géants du Web menacent la protection des données personnelles et la souveraineté culturelle du Canada, Pascale Chapdelaine
Online Platforms Challenge Personal Data Protection and Canada’s Cultural Sovereignty, Pascale Chapdelaine
A Modern Copyright Framework for Artificial Intelligence: IP Scholars' Joint Submission to the Canadian Government Consultation, Pascale Chapdelaine, Carys J. Craig, Bita Amani, Sara Bannerman, Céline Castets-Renard, Lucie Guibault, Gregory R. Hagen, Cameron J. Hutchison, Ariel Katz, Alexandra Mogyoros, Graham J. Reynolds, Anthony D. Rosborough, Teresa Scassa, and Myra Tawfik
Examen du service d’accompagnement du Tribunal de la sécurité sociale : Accès à la justice administrative pour les communautés marginalisées, Laverne Jacobs and Sule Tomkinson
Examining the Social Security Tribunal’s Navigator Service: Access to Administrative Justice for Marginalized Communities, Laverne Jacobs and Sule Tomkinson
Better access to better justice: The potential of procedural reform, Noel Semple
Everybody to Count for One? Inclusion and Exclusion in Welfare-Consequentialist Public Policy, Noel Semple
Still Special After All These Years? Fundamental Questions in Legal Services Regulation, Noel Semple and Andy Boon
Municipal ID Programs: Possibilities for Inclusion & Dignity, Gemma Smyth and Andrew Pace
Locating and Situating Justice Pal: TWAIL, International Criminal Tribunals, and Judicial Powers, Sujith Xavier
Submissions from 2021
Fair Dealing for the Purpose of Education: York University v The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency, Pascale Chapdelaine
The Regulation of Media and Communications in the Borderless Networked Society, Pascale Chapdelaine and Vincent Manzerolle
Contested Sovereignties: States, Media Platforms, Peoples, and the Regulation of Media Content and Big Data in the Networked Society, Pascale Chapdelaine and Jaqueline McLeod Rogers
A Modern Copyright Framework for the Internet of Things (IoT): Intellectual Property Scholars' Joint Submission to the Canadian Government Consultation, Pascale Chapdelaine, Anthony D. Rosborough, Aaron Perzanowski, Bita Amani, Sara Bannerman, Carys J. Craig, Lucie Guibault, Cameron J. Hutchison, Ariel Katz, Alexandra Mogyoros, Graham J. Reynolds, Teresa Scassa, and Myra Tawfik
Indigenous Environmental Rights and Sustainable Development: Lessons from Totonicapán in Guatemala, Patricia Galvao-Ferreira and Mario Mancilla
The Annotated Accessible Canada Act - Complete Text, Laverne Jacobs, Martin Anderson, Rachel Rohr, and Tom Perry
Climate Change Class Actions in Canada, Jasminka Kalajdzic
A Question of Trust: Facebook Libra as Money in the Economic and Legal Sense, Muharem Kianieff
Embodying Equality: Stigma, Safety and Clément Gascon’s Disability Justice Legacy, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
The Alchemy of Equality Rights, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
Clément Gascon, une force tranquille, Joshua Sealy-Harrington and Jérémy Boulanger-Bonnelly
Billing Without Bilking: Regulating Time-Based Legal Fees, Noel Semple
Good Enough for Government Work? Life-Evaluation and Public Policy, Noel Semple
Trauma-Informed Lawyering In The Student Legal Clinic Setting: Increasing Competence In Trauma Informed Practice, Gemma Smyth, Dusty Johnstone, and Jillian Rogin
Study of the Underrepresentation of Women and Women-Identifying IP- Rights Holders, Company Founders and Senior Leadership: Final Report to Innovation Asset Collective, Myra Tawfik and Heather Pratt
The ILA study group on the Role of Cities in International Law City Report: Windsor, Christopher Waters
Where is Canada in the South Caucasus?, Christopher Waters
Windsor's Cycling History, Christopher Waters
Submissions from 2020
Algorithmic Personalized Pricing, Pascale Chapdelaine
International Law Influences, Patricia Galvao-Ferreira
The Annotated Accessible Canada Act - Excerpt, Laverne Jacobs, Martin Anderson, Rachel Rohr, and Tom Perry
Unifying the Field: Mapping the Relationship Between Work Law Regimes in Ontario, Then and Now, Claire Mummé
ACCLE and Bill C-75: Implications for Student Legal Clinics & Communities in Canada, Jillian Rogin, Gemma Smyth, and Johanna Dennie
Twelve Angry (White) Men: The Constitutionality of the Statement of Principles, Joshua Sealy-Harrington
Review of Matthew D. Adler's measuring social welfare: An introduction, Noel Semple
Welfare-Consequentialism: A Vaccine for Populism?, Noel Semple
ACCLE Past, Present, and Future: Reflections from ACCLE's Board Presidents, Martha Simmons, Doug Ferguston, Lisa Cirillo, and Gemma Smyth
Law School Assessment Revisited, Gemma Smyth
Access Without Fear: A report on the implications of an AWF policy in Windsor, Ontario for frontline service workers, Gemma Smyth, Rawan Hussein, Erli Bogdani, Zara Mercer, Taiwo Onabolu, and Mbonisi Zikhali
Submissions from 2019
Graffiti, Street Art, Walls, and the Public in Canadian Copyright Law, Pascale Chapdelaine
The Trade Facilitation Agreement: is the Doha Development Round Succeeding?, Maureen Irish
Everybody to Count for One? Inclusion and Exclusion in Welfare-Consequentialist Public Policy, Noel Semple
Mystery shopping: demand-side phenomena in markets for personal plight legal services, Noel Semple
Tending the Flame: Technological Innovation and the Legal Services Act Regime, Noel Semple
The Intellectual Property Guide: IP Literacy and Strategy Basics for Supporting Innovation, Myra Tawfik and Karima Bawa
Defences to Criminal Liability, Sara Wharton
The Full Picture: Preliminary Examinations at the International Criminal Court, Sara Wharton and Rosemary Grey
Submissions from 2018
Copyright User Rights and Access to Justice (Introduction), Pascale Chapdelaine
Copyright User Rights and Remedies: An Access to Justice Perspective, Pascale Chapdelaine
Climate Finance and Transparency in the Paris Agreement - Key Current and Emerging Legal Issues, Patricia Galvao-Ferreira
Differentiation in International Environmental Law: Has Pragmatism Displaced Considerations of Justice?, Patricia Galvao-Ferreira
When Climate Adaptation Is Imperative yet Elusive: Guatemala’s Test for Climate Justice, Patricia Galvao-Ferreira
Lifting the Curtain: Opening a Preliminary Examination at the International Criminal Court, Rosemary Grey and Sara Wharton
Impacts of Industrial and Resource Development on the Wholistic Health of Akwesasronon: A Human Responsibility/Rights Solution, Beverly K. Jacobs
The Interplay Between Human Rights and Accessibility Laws: Lessons Learned and Considerations for the Planned Federal Accessibility Legislation, Laverne Jacobs
The Universality of the Human Condition: Theorizing Transportation Inequality Claims by Persons with Disabilities in Canada, 1976-2016, Laverne A. Jacobs
Substantial & Punitive Costs Awards Against Self-Represented Litigants, Julie Macfarlane and Ashley Haines
Costs Awards for Self-Represented Litigants, Julie Macfarlane and Lidia Imbrogno
Pintea v Johns: 18 Months Later, Julie Macfarlane and Kaila Scarrow
Is Access to Court Transcripts in Canada an A2J Issue?, Julie Macfarlane, Kaila Scarrow, and Becky Robinet
When Judges See SRLs, Do They See Gender? Observations on Gendered Characterizations in Judgments, Julie Macfarlane and Sandra Shushani
Colour as a Discrete Ground of Discrimination, Joshua Sealy-Harrington and Jonnette Watson Hamilton‡
Measuring legal service value, Noel Semple
Clinical and Experiential Learning in Canadian Law Schools: Current Perspectives, Gemma Smyth, Samantha Hale, and Neil Gold
Loving, Working, and Living on Stolen Land: People of Colour, Settler Colonialism & White Supremacy, Sujith Xavier
Submissions from 2017
Part Three Child and Family Services Act Table of Concordance with Bill C-89, Lois Boateng
Digital Locks, Physical Objects and Immaterial Works, Pascale Chapdelaine
Equitable Allocation of Climate Adaptation Finance - Considering Income Levels Alongside Vulnerability, Patricia Galvao-Ferreira
Introducing the Self-Represented Litigant Case Law Database, Julie Macfarlane, Sandra Shushani, and Lidia Imbrogno
Questions, Questions: Has Weber Had an Impact on Unions’ Representational Responsibilities in Workplace Human Rights Disputes?, Claire Mummé
Norms, law and social change: Nigeria’s anti-corruptionstruggle, 1999–2017, Paul Ocheje
Creating an Anti-Corruption Norm in Africa: Critical Reflections on Legal Instrumentalization for Development, Paul D. Ocheje
Accessibility, Quality, and Profitability for Personal Plight Law Firms: Hitting the Sweet Spot, Noel Semple
A Third Revolution in Family Dispute Resolution: Accessible Legal Professionalism, Noel Semple
Legal Services Regulation in Canada: Plus Ça Change?, Noel Semple
Male, Pale, and Stale? Diversity in Lawyers' Regulatory Leadership, Noel Semple
Regulating Contingency Fees: A Consumer Welfare Perspective, Noel Semple
Evaluating Systemic Advocacy: A Primer & Tools for Evaluating Systemic Advocacy in Ontario's Legal Clinics, Gemma Smyth
Top Heavy: Beyond the Global North & the Justification for Global Administrative Law, Sujith Xavier
Placing TWAIL Scholarship and Praxis, Sujith Xavier, Amar Bhatia, Usha Natarajan, and John Reynolds
Submissions from 2016
The role of law in global value chains: a research manifesto, Grietje Baars, Jennifer Bair, Liam Campling, Dan Danielsen, Dennis Davis, Klaas Hendrik Eller, Dez Farkas, Tomaso Ferrando, Jason Jackson, David Hansen-Miller, Elizabeth Havice, Claire Mummé, Jesse Salah Ovadia, David Quentin, Brishen Rogers, Jaakko Salminen, Alvaro Santos, Benjamin Selwyn, Marlese von Broembsen, and Lucie E. White
‘Common But Differentiated Responsibilities’ in the National Courts: Lessons from Urgenda v. The Netherlands, Patricia Galvao-Ferreira
Did the Paris Agreement Fail to Incorporate Human Rights in Operative Provisions? Not If You Consider the 2016 DGs, Patricia Galvao-Ferreira
‘Humanizing’ Disability Law: Citizen Participation in the Development of Accessibility Regulations in Canada, Laverne Jacobs
‘Humanizing’ Disability Law: Citizen Participation in the Development of Accessibility Regulations in Canada, Laverne Jacobs
The Accessibility for Manitobans Act: Ambitions and Achievements in Antidiscrimination and Citizen Participation, Laverne A. Jacobs, Victoria Cino, and Britney DeCosta
The Accessibility for Manitobans Act: Ambitions and Achievements in Antidiscrimination and Citizen Participation, Laverne Jacobs, Britney De Costa, and Victoria Cino
Bhasin v. Hrynew: A New Era For Good Faith in Canadian Employment Law, or Just Tinkering at the Margins?, Claire Mummé
The Cost Of Seeking Civil Justice In Canada, Noel Semple