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Room 1

Document Type



Comparative argument strength, conveying premise acceptability to the conclusion, existential requirements for human life, higher level principles, moral realism, moral relativism, plausibility, rebuttals, reflective equilibrium, self-evidence

Start Date

5-6-2020 3:00 PM

End Date

5-6-2020 4:00 PM


Self-evident warrants are self-backed and thus knowable a priori. Warrants licencing inferring a moral conclusion from a morally relevant premise are paradigm examples. Such warrants are defeasible, for example where there is a conflict of duties. Evidence for them involves moral intuition. Moral realism argues for the objectivity of such intuition and of defeasible a priori warrants. Warrant strength depends on how many rebuttals may be brought against a warrant and their plausibility.

Included in

Philosophy Commons


Jun 5th, 3:00 PM Jun 5th, 4:00 PM

Defeasible A Priori Warrants: Evidence, Diversity of Opinion, and Strength

Room 1

Self-evident warrants are self-backed and thus knowable a priori. Warrants licencing inferring a moral conclusion from a morally relevant premise are paradigm examples. Such warrants are defeasible, for example where there is a conflict of duties. Evidence for them involves moral intuition. Moral realism argues for the objectivity of such intuition and of defeasible a priori warrants. Warrant strength depends on how many rebuttals may be brought against a warrant and their plausibility.