The Leddy Library Research Question Competition

The Leddy Library Research Question Competition

In November 2014 the Leddy Library held the first campus wide research question competition as the first stage in the UWill Discover Undergraduate Conference. Undergrads across campus were invited to submit a question that they were curious about. From those submissions the best 30 were selected to participate in a campus wide vote.

The top 30 research questions can be viewed below! Thank you to everyone who participated. We had a lot of excellent questions, and some tough decisions to make.

Voting is Now Compete and we have our Winners!

Prizes were awarded in three categories: the question receiving the most votes, one randomly selected question, and one randomly selected voter.

  • The question receiving the most votes - Tanja Samardzic
  • One randomly selected question - Krisa Cunaj
  • One randomly selected voter - Armand Gaudette

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Are the colours that I see the same colours that you see?

Dillon Fox, University of Windsor

Based on the transformation that it has already undergone, what is the future of hand-crafted art?

Allison Scheele, University of Windsor

Can we decrease the number of low-wage earners without sacrificing tax revenue? If we tax goods and services more heavily but don’t tax individuals or families earning less than $60,000 a year, would that be a sustainable economic model?

Callum T. McGill Mr., Undergraduate Student

Could a machine or an Artificially Intelligent being ever feel emotions, rather than just simulate them?

Rachel L. Pomerleau, University of Windsor

Do female students in relationships self-silence to avoid “rocking the boat”? Is self-silencing connected to an increasingly negative body image?

Tanja Samardzic, University of Windsor

Do people with foreign last names experience discrimination, or have a lower chance of getting a job interview?

Claudia Y. Cheng, University of Windsor

Do students learn better from teachers who share similar traits, such as taste in music? Do male students learn better from male teachers?

Callum T. McGill Mr., Undergraduate Student

Do you think that the Internet will one day be obsolete as a new technology takes its place?

Melanie Lindsey, University of Windsor

Does Foundations of Academic Writing truly improve the writing ability of students and help them succeed in other classes?

Grace Howes

Does the standard North American diet negatively correlate with our long-term mental health?

Sarah c. Reaume ms., University of Windsor

Has globalization shifted competition from being between businesses to being between supply chain networks?

Krisa Cunaj

How are the brains of “morning people” physiologically different from those of us who struggle to get out of bed?

Aaron Wang, University of Windsor

How can a huge, heavy ship be carried on water, unlike a small needle?

Sanah Malik, University of Windsor

How effective could a fully online university education be? Would employers prioritize applicants with a degree comprised of primarily on-campus courses?

Krisa Cunaj

How many books could fit in Leddy Library, assuming the standard size of a book is 5” x 8” x 2”?

Blake Gecse

If you mapped the types of ads in early 20th century Southern Ontario newspapers into a Geographic Information System, would analysis yield provincial trends or display regional attitudes?

Sarah M. Pennington, University of Windsor

In an age of video calling, YouTube, and online learning, will education convert to a fully online and digitally interactive experience?

Drew Z. Wakutz, University of Windsor

Is beauty an innate concept or is it learned?

Rachel L. Pomerleau, University of Windsor

Is it equally beneficial to view such cultural artifacts as a Picasso painting digitally as it is to view them in real life?

Sarah Meeke, University of Windsor

Is it true that there is paranormal activity in Electa Hall?

Blake Gecse

Is the study of such rapidly changing Internet trends as the 2013 Harlem Shake important for future historians?

Thomas P. Lynch, University of Windsor

Many people are using digital formats to do research and complete projects. Does this change signal an end for libraries and the need for hard copy books?

Drew Z. Wakutz, University of Windsor

Students whose minds are not yet overburdened by existing knowledge often make groundbreaking discoveries. Do creativity and progress lie on a spectrum of learning? If so, where do they fall?

Yasina Somani, University of Windsor

What are the actual learning benefits of being able to access a physical copy of a book, over a digital copy of comparable quality?

Keilah M. Le Clair, University of Windsor

What are the biological causes of human pleasure or displeasure when hearing certain rhythms and beats? Why does this differ among people?

Lauren A. Miceli, University of Windsor

What makes important test material stick with us during an exam, and why do we tend to forget it shortly after?

Jacob J. Pitre, University of Windsor

What mechanical resonance would cause the Ambassador Bridge to collapse?

Ali M. Mehaidli, University of Windsor

What would be the social and/or psychological impact if Facebook were to add a “dislike” button?

Aaron Wang, University of Windsor

Why do students who are involved in student clubs receive higher grades in their classes?

Crystal McDonald, University of Windsor

Would the digitization of historical documents lessen the value and experience of historical research?

Matthew G. Presello, University of Windsor