UWill Discover Accommodations
It is the goal of the organizing committee to make the UWill Discover Conference accessible to everyone who wishes to attend and participate. In order to meet this goal this page outlines the range of accommodations available to all attendees and participants.
Contact Information
All questions and requests regarding accommodations should be directed to our accommodations team at at uwilldiscover_vol@uwindsor.ca.
Accommodations for Submissions to the Conference
General website accessibility information for UWill Discover is available at http://digitalcommons.bepress.com/accessibility.html
Any student who encounters difficulties in submitting a proposal to the conference may request that the organizing team submit on their behalf by contacting our accommodations team.
Accommodations on the Day of the Conference (March 29th)
Anyone attending the conference in any capacity may request the support of an attendant during the event. Please provide us with any relevant information about your specific needs. We will arrange to accommodate you.
Examples of Accommodations:
- Student Volunteer Companionship Supports
- Attendant Services (Personal Care Needs)
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Note Taker
- Large Print Written Material
- Electronic Version of Print Material
- Will you be attending the event with a service animal?