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Friday, March 3rd
8:30 AM


University of Windsor

Windsor, Ontario

8:30 AM - 4:15 PM

9:05 AM

Panel I: L’accès à la justice sous la Charte/Access to Justice under the Charter

Jaclyn Meloche, University of Windsor
Marika Giles Samson, Court Challenges Program of Canada
Jasminka Kalajdzic, University of Windsor
Geoffrey Callaghan, University of Windsor

Windsor, Ontario

9:05 AM - 10:25 AM

10:40 AM

Panel II: Droits humains/Human Rights

Christopher Waters, University of Windsor
Rebecca Major, University of Windsor
Richard Moon, University of Windsor
Joshua Seely-Harrington, Toronto Metropolitan University
Tess Sheldon, University of Windsor

Windsor, Ontario

10:40 AM - 12:20 PM

1:30 PM

Panel III: Les droits en matière de langues officielles/ Official Languages Rights

Pascale Chapdelaine, University of Windsor
Maxine Vincelette, Juristes Power Law
Serge Rouselle, Université de Moncton
Érik Labelle Eastaugh, Université de Moncton
Michael Gergman, Bergman & Associates

Windsor, Ontario

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM