Civil and Environmental Engineering Publications | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | University of Windsor


Submissions from 2023


FEA Validation of the Moment-Rotation Relationship of Unbonded Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Bearings, Junfu Bai, N. Van Engelen, and Shaohong Cheng


Civil Engineering History Overshadowed by Politics, N. Bouzari, S. Ngabire, and N. Van Engelen


Human-Induced Loading of a Monumental Staircase Connected to Flexible Elements, J. Bouzide and N. Van Engelen


Stress distributions of infinite strip steel reinforced elastomeric isolators with a rubber core, Rose Noggle and Niel C. Van Engelen


Influence of the Direction of Lateral Load on Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators, S. Sinjari, N. Stratton, J. Cercel, and N. Van Engelen


Numerical study of flow characteristics around a 30° yawed circular cylinder at R e = 10 4, Ran Wang, Shaohong Cheng, and David S.K. Ting

Submissions from 2022


Bi-directional loading of unbonded rectangular fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators, Hediyeh Sheikh, Rajeev Ruparathna, and Niel C. Van Engelen


A review of base isolation systems with adaptive characteristics, Hediyeh Sheikh, Niel C. Van Engelen, and Rajeev Ruparathna

Submissions from 2021


Parametric studies on the behaviour of reinforced elastomeric bearings considering the compressibility and extensibility index, shape factor, and lift-off, Junfu Bai, Niel C. Van Engelen, and Shaohong Cheng


Shear stress distribution of unbonded reinforced elastomeric bearings after lift-off occurs, Junfu Bai, Niel C. Van Engelen, and Shaohong Cheng


Concrete girders retrofitted with basalt fibre fabric – A feasibility study using lab tests and field application, Eric Hughes, Sreekanta Das, Niel Van Engelen, and David Lawn


Shear and flexural strengthening of RC beams using BFRP fabrics, R. Madotto, N. C. Van Engelen, S. Das, G. Russo, and M. Pauletta


Evaluation of Design Equations for Critical Properties of Reinforced Elastomeric Bearings and Recommended Revisions, Niel C. Van Engelen

Submissions from 2020


Strengthening of Concrete Beams with Basalt Fibre Reinforced Polymer, Eric Hughes, Adeyemi Adesina, Bruno Paini, Sreekanta Das, and Niel Van Engelen


Numerical study of roundness effect on flow around a circular cylinder, Ran Wang, Shaohong Cheng, and David S.K. Ting

Submissions from 2019


Fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators: A review, Niel C. Van Engelen


Rotation in rectangular and circular reinforced elastomeric bearings resulting in lift-off, Niel C. Van Engelen


Comparison of prediction and measurement techniques for pedestrian-induced vibrations of a low-frequency floor, Niel C. Van Engelen and Julia Graham


Investigation of partially bonded fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators (PB-FREIs) with nominal vertical tensile loads, Niel C. Van Engelen, Michael J. Tait, and Dimitrios Konstantinidis


Effect of yaw angle on flow structure and cross-flow force around a circular cylinder, Ran Wang, Shaohong Cheng, and David S.K. Ting

Submissions from 2018

Monitoring and evaluation of pedestrian-induced vibrations, Niel Van Engelen and Julia Graham


Simulating the Role of Axial Flow in Stay Cable Vibrations via a Perforated Wake Splitter Plate, Ran Wang, Shaohong Cheng, and David Ting

Submissions from 2017


Vertical and Lateral Behavior of Unbonded Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators, Yasser M. Al-Anany, Niel C. Van Engelen, and Michael J. Tait


Shear strain demands in elastomeric bearings subjected to rotation, Niel C. Van Engelen, Dimitrios Konstantinidis, and Michael J. Tait


Simplified approximations for critical design parameters of rectangular fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators, Niel C. Van Engelen, Dimitrios Konstantinidis, and Michael J. Tait

Submissions from 2016


Mean characteristics of fluid structures in shallow-wake flows, Ram Balachandar


Submerged Hydraulic Jump Study Using DES, Vimaldoss Jesudhas, Vesselina Roussinova, Ram Balachandar, and Ron Barron


Fiber-reinforced elastomeric bearings for vibration isolation, James M. Kelly and Niel C. Van Engelen


Effect of gap flow on the shallow wake of a sharp-edged bluff body – turbulence parameters, A.M Shinneeb and R. Balachandar


Structural and nonstructural performance of a seismically isolated building using stable unbonded fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators, Niel C. Van Engelen, Dimitrios Konstantinidis, and Michael J. Tait


Development of design code oriented formulas for elastomeric bearings including bulk compressibility and reinforcement extensibility, Niel C. Van Engelen, Michael J. Tait, and Dimitrios Konstantinidis

Investigation of stable and unstable fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators, Niel C. Van Engelen, Michael J. Tait, and Dimitrios Konstantinidis

Submissions from 2015


Experimental and finite element study on the lateral response of modified rectangular fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators (MR-FREIs), Peyman M. Osgooei, Niel C. Van Engelen, Dimitrios Konstantinidis, and Michael J. Tait


Effect of gap flow on the shallow wake of a sharp-edged bluff body –mean velocity fields, A.M Shinneeb and R. Balachandar


Correcting for the influence of bulk compressibility on the design properties of elastomeric bearings, Niel C. Van Engelen and James M. Kelly


Retest of Neoprene seismic isolation bearings after 30 years, Niel C. Van Engelen and James M. Kelly


Partially bonded fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators (PB-FREIs), Niel C. Van Engelen, Peyman M. Osgooei, Michael J. Tait, and Dimitrios Konstantinidis


Model of the shear behavior of unbonded fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators, Niel C. Van Engelen, Michael J. Tait, and Dimitrios Konstantinidis

Submissions from 2014


DES evaluation of near-wake characteristics in a shallow flow, G. Nasif, R. M. Barron, and R. Balachandar


Heat Transfer Due to an Impinging Jet in a Confined Space, G. Nasif, R. M. Barron, and R. Balachandar


Detached eddy simulation of flow past an isolated inclined solar panel, M. Shademan, R. Balachandar, and R. M. Barron


Seismic performance of attached equipment in a base isolated building, N. C. Van Engelen, D. Konstantinidis, and M. J. Tait


Experimental investigation of unbonded fiber reinforced elastomeric isolators with modified support geometry, N. C. Van Engelen, M. J. Tait, and D. Konstantinidis


Experimental and finite element study on the compression properties of Modified Rectangular Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (MR-FREIs), Niel C. Van Engelen, Peyman M. Osgooei, Michael J. Tait, and Dimitrios Konstantinidis

Submissions from 2013

Investigation of the shear behaviour of unbonded Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (FREIs) with modified support geometry, N. C. Van Engelen, D. Konstantinidis, and M. Tait

Submissions from 2012

Vertical response behaviour of Stable Unbonded Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (SU-FREIs) with holes in the loaded surface, N. C. Van Engelen, M. J. Tait, and D. Konstantinidis