Editors: Volume 2, 2018

  • Philip MacEwen, Past President of the CSSPE/SCEEA (pmacewen@yorku.ca)
  • Sandra Tomsons, President of the CSSPE/SCEEA (sandratomsoms@gmail.com)

Each year, the CSSPE/SCEEA hosts a conference in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The Congress is a unique academic event. Since 1930, it has brought together associations and societies from a wide variety of academic disciplines under one umbrella. The Congress meets annually on a Canadian university campus and the CSSPE/SCEEA has been of member of the Congress since 1987.

In keeping with the generous mandate of the Congress, the CSSPE/SCEEA is interested in practical ethics broadly construed. The following papers are a few of the presentations given at the 2017 conference of the CSSPE/SCEEA, held in conjunction with Congress 2017 at Ryerson University in Toronto. The editors have ordered them alphabetically according to the surname of the author but the reader is free to peruse them in any order deemed appropriate.

The papers discuss questions of justice, care, and historical change within the framework of a variety of critical theories and show how this approach can lead, not simply to successful deliberation, but also appropriate action.

It is our hope that readers will find these papers refreshing in the perspectives that they bring to practical ethics. Representing the work of researchers drawing upon different disciplines and, in some cases, social movements, they cover a range of ideas one is not likely to encounter in more specialized journals in practical ethics.

Readers are encouraged to develop their own responses to these contributions and, if possible, fashion them into papers and presentations for future CSSPE/SCEEA conferences. Indeed, formal endeavours in any area of practical ethics, pursued in the above spirit, will be considered. A selection of them will be published in the Journal of the CSSPE/SCEEA.

If you would like to know more about the CSSPE/SCEEA or become a member, please visit our website at www.csspe.ca.

In This Volume

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Monday, January 1st
12:00 AM

Aboriginal title or Legal Personhood for Land?

Melany Banks, Wilfred Laurier University

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Section 1: Paper 1


Genetic Discrimination, Life Insurance, and Justice as Fairness

Ozan Gurcan, Carleton University

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Section 1: Paper 2


The Myth of Progress? Critical Theory and the Debate Over Progress

John Lundy

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Section 1: Paper 3


Empathy, Asymmetrical Reciprocity, and the Ethics of Mental Health Care

Andrew Molas, York University

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Section 1: Paper 4


Painful Virtue, Marginalisation, and Resistance

Jordan Joseph Wadden, University of British Columbia

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Section 1: Paper 5
