Presenter Information

Dylan MacKenzieFollow


The ‘Atlantic Bubble’ (hereafter AB) is often conflated with the impressive resistance to COVID-19 outbreaks in Atlantic Canada. My paper discusses the evolution of that resistance as a way of clarifying this distinction. Understood as a political plan, AB features a response to COVID-19 which contrasts with the reaction in much of the rest of Canada. As a result, it has practical implications for future political planning in Canada, especially vis-à-vis epidemiological risk assessment. I conclude with a brief survey of the broader questions raised by AB, arguing that there are philosophical assumptions about the nature of community in Atlantic Canada which have been critical in its fight against COVID-19.


accountability, applied ethics, citizenship, community, COVID-19, economy, pandemic, risk, social and political philosophy


Sep 2nd, 12:00 AM

A Little Shelter from the Storm: COVID-19 and the ‘Atlantic Bubble’

The ‘Atlantic Bubble’ (hereafter AB) is often conflated with the impressive resistance to COVID-19 outbreaks in Atlantic Canada. My paper discusses the evolution of that resistance as a way of clarifying this distinction. Understood as a political plan, AB features a response to COVID-19 which contrasts with the reaction in much of the rest of Canada. As a result, it has practical implications for future political planning in Canada, especially vis-à-vis epidemiological risk assessment. I conclude with a brief survey of the broader questions raised by AB, arguing that there are philosophical assumptions about the nature of community in Atlantic Canada which have been critical in its fight against COVID-19.