Date of Award


Publication Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name



English Language, Literature, and Creative Writing


Literature, Modern.




This Creative Writing Project, The Red Memory of My Hand, is Part One of my autobiography and it explores the narrator's developing subjectivity in the context of a dysfunctional matriarchal family. I wrote this autobiography to seize my own power from my existing family structure. In breaking the taboo of silence around my family history and risking rejection by both my family and readers, I claim the right to my history and identity. I am declaring my own agency, my right to tell my story, in the transgressive act of writing The Red Memory of My Hand. As the title implies, given the incident it alludes to, this is a text that is mingled with both pride and shame about where I have come from; The Red Memory of My Hand is a literal slap in the face that comes, strangely, out of love. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-01, page: 0079. Thesis (M.A.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2006.
