"2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games - A Case Study on the Integration " by Matthew Leixner

Date of Award


Publication Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name





Legacy, Mega-Sporting Events, Olympics, Urban Planning, Urban Renewal


Martyn, Scott




Through the use of critical review and analysis, this study established a working definition of urban planning and urban renewal in addition to the initiatives that are of interest to mega-sport event planners. Legacy is defined along with the pillars which comprise it. These definitions, initiatives, and pillars acted as the framework for the study to be conducted on the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games; specifically, the bid process occurring from late 1997 until 2 July 2003. This time period provided the information relative to the Vancouver-Whistler 2010 Bid Corporation, and highlighted what this group deemed important for the community, Olympic Movement, and the 2010 Olympics throughout that timeframe. Further, the analysis observed the gathered information from the Vancouver-Whistler 2010 Bid Corporation, and what VANOC2010 accomplished throughout the Organization Phase leading up to the Games. The analysis phase of this study determined the success and failures from an urban planning and renewal perspective relative to Vancouver 2010. This study assessed the organizing committee’s ability to incorporate legacy into the Winter Olympic Games, based on what the Vancouver-Whistler 2010 Bid Corporation had outlined.
