Date of Award


Publication Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name



Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology


Adolescent, Criminology, Delayed Adulthood, Genealogy, Young People, Youth Behavior






This thesis focuses on conducting a Genealogy of ‘Delayed Adulthood’ from the Foucauldian understanding of the theory of genealogy. Considering how certain terms can hold their own meaning well before they are given proper labels, it is believed that understanding the origins of the classification of youth behavior could be a determinant in explaining the reasoning behind ‘Delayed Adulthood’.

As well, by applying two research syntheses to analyze the literature collected, understanding ‘Delayed Adulthood’ as well as the transgression of the way adults labelled youth behavior became more systematic and methodological. By understanding that ‘Delayed Adulthood’ can be presented within the literature by a variety of other terms, it is believed that a knowledge base can develop to aid in determining what such a term can mean for different people.

The research conducted took focus on the ways the term ‘Delayed Adulthood’ was being applied to youth behavior, especially when it came to millennials in the 21st century. Despite how the literature focuses on ‘Delayed Adulthood’ meaning a young person’s delay in transitioning into adulthood, it is believed that more can be understood by this. Considering the lack of an official definition, it is hypothesized that applying such a term could result in potentially negative effects in a young person’s development. Finally, the research presented was also applied to the field of criminology regarding the literature discussing the potential for a ‘delayed adult’ to commit delinquent behavior.
