Date of Award


Publication Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name



Civil and Environmental Engineering


Asset Management, Key Performance Indicators, Level of Service, Level of Service Assessment Method, Level of Service Assessment Tool, Stormwater Infrastructure


Tirupati T.B. Bolisetti


Rajeev R.R. Ruparathna




With climate change becoming the single most concern in the contemporary world, stormwater management has been receiving greater attention than before. Even though stormwater infrastructure plays a pivotal part in the municipality, there are no available standards or tools to assess its level of service (LOS). Stormwater infrastructure should manage the quantity and quality of stormwater by controlling flooding, pollutants and ensuring public safety. Currently, creating a proactive stormwater infrastructure management system is hindered by a lack of resources despite the importance of these resources for proper stormwater infrastructure management. In an advanced asset management system, LOS assessment is identified as a key component. LOS indicates the service provided by the stormwater infrastructure system to its stakeholders. The LOS assessment system must use a flexible framework that enables focusing on the component level up to the system level and integrates stakeholder and regional priorities. The objective of this research is to propose a methodological framework to assess the LOS of stormwater infrastructure. A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) based approach is used to indicate the current LOS. The KPIs identified under four performance parameters include stormwater quantity, quality, risk, and cost. Benchmarks are defined for each KPI based on industry standards, regional characteristics and/or stakeholder priorities. The proposed method develops the LOS assessment tool to support stakeholders in their asset management process. The KPI data for the study area, Ward 6, Windsor, Canada was obtained from municipal Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data and the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM). The programming language, R was used to read and write the SWMM files to aid in analysis. The LOS performance assessment is indicated at the stormwater system level, performance parameter level, and the KPI level. The proposed method is applied to the study area as a case study. The outcome identifies flooding prone areas, determines the level of pollutant concentrations and loadings in stormwater runoff and the cost vs benefits of low impact development (LID) in the study area. The LOS framework and tool gives an insight into the current LOS of the study area.
