Date of Award


Publication Type


Degree Name





R.J. Moriarty


W.D. Balance




The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of cooperative and competitive games on the prosocial and antisocial behaviour of emotionally disturbed adolescents. This study took place at Maryvale Adolescent and Family Services in Windsor, Ontario. Thirty-five male and female students, age 12 to 16, were observed for a two week period while participating in cooperative and competitive volleyball games. This 2 x 2 design with repeated measures on the dependent variable (game type) was analyzed using separate T-tests, Chi-square Analysis, One Way and Two Way Analysis of Variance. Results of the T-tests rev aled that there was no significarit sequepce effect on the order in which the two game typeB were �dmlnlstered. The Chi-square tests revealed that the two groups being compared were significantly different with respect to age, but not slgnlficantly different in terms of their proportions of phase classification. One Way Analysis of Variance revealed that generally the competitive games brought about more of the measured prosocial behaviours than the cooperative games. For one third of the sample, emotionally disturbed adolescents were found to be more antisocial while playing cooperative games. Both test groups proved to be more prosoclal physical in competitive games than cooperative games. Prosocial verbal behaviours were significantly more prevalent ln the competitive games for one third of the sample tested. One group was more antisocial physical ln the cooperative games than competitive games. Both test groups were more antisocial verbal in the cooperative games than in the competitive games. Females in test Group B (the younger of the two groups) displayed more prosocial behaviour in competitive games than males. No difference was I ii found between age groups on any of the dependent variables in either game type. Phase I adolescents were found to be significantly more prosocial in cooperative games than were Phase II adolescents for one third the population sample.

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Kinesiology Commons
