Date of Award


Publication Type


Degree Name



Social Work


M.J. Holoho


P. Taylor




This exploratory-descriptive study investigated the perceived social supports and social adjustments of head injured adults in Windsor/Essex County. In a face-to-face interview, questionnaires were administered to twenty head injured adults (n = 20). The sample responded to questions in the areas of socio-demographics, rehabilitation social and involvement, recreational and informal major activities, social life life peers). A separate supports scale adjustments, satisfaction, self-esteem, (i.e., family, friends and indicating the severity of disability of each respondent was also completed by the interviewer.

Major findings revealed: 1) that the socio-demographic profile of the sample was similar to those in other studies reported in the literature; 2) head injured persons were generally dissatisfied with their present life situations, and social and recreational activities; 3) considerable life adjustments were 4) the sample had low self-esteem; and, 5) after head injury; social supports were viewed positively. The average severity of disability for this sample was rated as partial. Social support was found to be an important variable in all areas of social adjustment after head injury. As well, relatively minor disability was suffered by the sample in general, yet social support was perceived to be less available to those with less of a disability. As a result, the quality of life experienced by mild or partially disabled persons was deemed unsatisfactory.

It is recommended that further research be conducted in the areas of the self-perceptions of head injured adults, their social adjustment, and social supports. Further, program and treatment planning for a continuum of care in head injury rehabilitation is recommended as there are virtually no programs and services available specifically for the head injured in this public awareness programs a re community. Education and also recommended to inform the general public, government officials, professionals, significant others, and head injured persons themselves about the consequences of head injury.

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Social Work Commons
