Date of Award


Publication Type


Degree Name



Electrical and Computer Engineering


Automation, Automotive embedded system, AUTOSAR, CAD tool


S. Das


B. Balasingam




Automotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR) is a system-level standard that is used worldwide by automotive companies and their suppliers to develop the standardized software development framework for automobiles. A Runtime Environment (RTE) is essential for any AUTOSAR software architecture. The information to configure the Runtime Environment (RTE) is given in an AUTOSAR Extensible Markup Language (ARXML) file. Currently, these ARXML files are interpreted by the developer to manually create each configuration. One may understand that this is a huge bottleneck in the design flow of software because of the following drawbacks. The first drawback is the cost and time spent having to manually write code. Manual code entry is not scalable for larger projects. The second drawback, every time manual code is created it needs to be tested and verified to ensure ISO 26262 compliance. Finally, the current system used at APAG Cosyst contains many steps that complicate and make the process more tedious. APAG Cosyst, is one of the leading companies in ECU (Electronic Control Unit) design. Creating an RTE code generator is essential in the process of automating integration of AUTOSAR methodology in the design of ECUs. This thesis describes the design of a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tool that automatically interprets the given AUTOSAR XML files and then generates the corresponding optimized C code (*.h and *.c files). The CAD tool was written in the Java programming language and is ready to use for generating any portion of the RTE automatically, while being AUTOSAR compliant.
