Date of Award
Fall 2021
Publication Type
Degree Name
Coach; Nutrition, Student-athlete
K. Smith
C. Sutherland
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
The purpose of this program evaluation was to develop nutrition-based educational modules for the coaches and student-athletes at the University of Windsor and to investigate their effectiveness, usefulness, and applicability. The nutrition-based educational modules were a collaborative effort between the Community Health, Environment, and Wellness (CHEW) lab and the Centre for Human Performance and Health (CHPH). Eight teams voluntarily participated in the 6-week implementation period with the nutrition-based educational modules. Following this implementation period, nine participants (n = 2 coaches, n = 7 student-athletes) volunteered to provide feedback during one-on-one semi-structured virtual interviews. The interview guide was divided into three sections: (1) usefulness, (2) effectiveness, and (3) applicability. The data underwent a thematic analysis with an inductive approach, resulting in 5 themes: (1) valuable knowledge, (2) mode of delivery, (3) positive feedback, (4) Me vs. We, and (5) bridging the gap. The results of this program evaluation suggest that there is a strong need for nutrition-based resources at the varsity level. Furthermore, all participants expressed an eagerness for nutrition- related resources and a thirst to learn. Lastly, a one size fits all approach to nutrition-related resources is insufficient as nutrition needs are specific to the individual. Overall, the nutrition- based educational modules developed for the University of Windsor Lancer varsity athletics were deemed useful, effective, and applicable for a variety of reasons that were unique and specific to each participant.
Recommended Citation
Van Herk, Justine, "A Program Evaluation of Nutrition-Based Educational Modules Designed for the University of Windsor Lancers Varsity Athletics" (2021). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 8875.