Date of Award
Publication Type
Degree Name
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Long-term monitoring, Monitoring duration, Pedestrian-induced vibrations, Percentile, Probability of exceedance, Short-term monitoring
N. Van Engelen
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Pedestrian-induced vibration (PIV) is often recognized as the most persistent floor serviceability issue for buildings. This type of vibration can cause discomfort for the occupants and can also have a negative impact on the performance of sensitive equipment residing on the floor. Resolving floor vibration problems in built structures often requires costly remedial measures. The response of a built floor to PIV can be evaluated by monitoring techniques. The purpose of long-term floor monitoring is to have a comprehensive insight into the vibration levels. However, it is relatively rare due to the associated costs and challenges. Short-term monitoring and controlled walking tests may not reflect the actual vibrations of the floor but are easier to perform. This research estimates the percentiles of the long-term floor response distribution based on a sample of short-term measurement by the Confidence Interval (CI) analysis, the KLD method, and the CI width analysis. For this purpose, the minimum monitoring duration (MD) required to reflect the long-term distribution with acceptable accuracy and the appropriate percentile(s) to evaluate the floor performance is investigated. In this research, two methods are considered to determine what percentile should be selected to evaluate floor performance. The first method is based on selecting the probability of non-exceedance (PONE) according to the PIV guidelines and the second method is based on the definitions of the types of vibration according to ISO 10137 curves. The minimum monitoring duration is obtained based on the relative error calculation. The results of this research are expected to provide a more realistic and improved assessment of floor vibration performance.
Recommended Citation
Bouzari, Negar, "Analysis of Pedestrian-induced Floor Vibration Monitoring Duration in Buildings" (2022). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 8906.