Date of Award


Publication Type


Degree Name



Computer Science


Cross-blockchain Technology;Digital Contact Tracing;Interoperability;Scalability


Saeed Samet




COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of contact tracing as a tool for controlling the spread of the virus, but it has also raised concerns about the privacy and security of personal information. Blockchain technology, with its immutability and security features, has the potential to address these concerns. However, traditional blockchain solutions may not be sufficient to protect sensitive personal information, especially when it comes to interoperability with other chains that may have different privacy standards. Cross-blockchain technology, such as the interoperability feature of the Polkadot network, allows for the creation of a decentralized and distributed contact tracing system that can be used by multiple organizations and jurisdictions while ensuring privacy. This research examines the technical challenges and potential solutions of using cross-blockchain technology for interoperable and scalable digital contact tracing. In this research, we proposed a solution using the Polkadot network, where the personal and contact information is stored on a blockchain, accessible only to authorized parties. The use of cross-blockchain technology and encryption would ensure that sensitive personal information is protected and that only authorized parties can access the data. Additionally, the data on the private blockchain would be shareable with other health authorities or other blockchain networks by using the interoperability feature of the Polkadot network. Overall, this thesis seeks to demonstrate the potential benefits and limitations of using cross-blockchain technology for digital contact tracing applications and highlights the importance of further research and development in this area by providing recommendations for implementing this technology. With the right approach, it is possible to create a contact tracing solution that is both effective and respects the privacy of individuals.
