Date of Award


Publication Type


Degree Name



Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs); One-handed usage; Range of motion; Smartphone; Smartphone holder; Usability testing


Eunsik Kim


A smartphone is a frequently used device, and to hold and operate the pocket device, users engage in one-handed postures rather than two-handed while sitting, standing, or walking. However, increased smartphone size can lead to issues in the thumb's range of motion, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), performance, and usability in one-handed smartphone usage. This study proposes a smartphone holder to address these issues associated with one-handed smartphone usage. In addition, this study aims to develop four Computer-aided design (CAD) models for the proposed holder according to the current market trend. Five different parameters were evaluated on 30 participants for the proposed holder in comparison to the traditional holder and no holder: range of thumb motion, wrist posture, muscle activity, performance (speed and accuracy), and subject discomfort were measured for the user in tasks of gaming, tapping, typing, scrolling, and swiping in sitting and walking postures and finally the user-preference data is collected based on a questionnaire (7-point Likert scale). The results showed a statistically significant difference (p
