The University of Windsor is a comprehensive university with 70 Masters and Doctoral programs in Arts and Social Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Human Kinetics, Nursing, and Science.

To browse theses and dissertations by department and faculty please visit our faculties, departments and research units page.

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This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of University of Windsor students from 1954 forward.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2005


Iterative multiuser detection with integrated channel estimation for turbo coded DS-CDMA., Shuvojit Chowdhury


Aggressive and non-aggressive preschoolers' problem-solving: The role of maternal scaffolding., Robert Clark


Forgiveness: Is it a resiliency factor for adult Children of Alcoholics?, Becki L. Cornock


Scoring the charter: A twenty-year analysis of supreme court voting trends (Pierre Trudeau)., Jason A. Daigle


Never a 'needless' suicide: An empirical test of Shneidman's theory of psychological needs, psychological pain, and suicidality (Edwin Shneidman)., Brenda J. Davie


The problem of relevance., John W. Davie


Campaigns of corporate social responsibility: The case of Canadian oil producer EnCana (Ecuador)., David. Demant


A unified robotic kinematic simulation interface., Zhongqing Ding


Hemispheric asymmetries for accessing the phonological representation of single printed words., Christopher H. Domen


Improvements on handling design errors in communication protocols., Lihua Duan


Microstructural studies of wear mechanisms in cast aluminum alloys., Mustafa Elmadagli


On the distortion of turbulent flow through a contraction imposed by cylinders., Babak Emami


The Islamic economic option (IEO) and the challenge of faith to the New World Order., Crystal A. Ennis


A framework for IPSec functional architecture., Mehdi. Fahandezh

A numerical study on the effects of axis and blockage ratios on the fluid flow over a cylinder., Muhammad Zakir Husein. Faruquee


The existence of suicidal subgroups: Anaclitic and introjective forms of suicide., Norman Fazaa


An adaptive algorithm for Internet multimedia delivery in a DiffServ environment., Yang Feng


Ethno-racial groups and income attainment in Canada: Investigating the mosaic., Tamara Rayvon Ferron


Using health promotion principles to prevent eating disorders in 8 to 10 year old girls: Uniting self-esteem, media literacy, and feminist approaches, Dorrie L. Fiissel


Quality control and improvement of the aluminum alloy castings for the next generation of engine block cast components., Robin Francis


Fast protein superfamily classification using principal component null space analysis., Leon French


Women rule: An alternative voice on the Supreme Court of Canada, Chelsea Gabel


The influence of teacher-student relationships on English teaching effectiveness: Perceptions of students in a Chinese university., Lili Gai


Peer education in the context of school-based HIV prevention programming in Kenya: An examination of process and outcome., Melanie Gallant


Decision making in complex collaborative engineering design., Jing Gao