The University of Windsor is a comprehensive university with 70 Masters and Doctoral programs in Arts and Social Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Human Kinetics, Nursing, and Science.

To browse theses and dissertations by department and faculty please visit our faculties, departments and research units page.

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This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of University of Windsor students from 1954 forward.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2004


Parental socialization of emotion and affect recognition in school-aged children., Christine Agar


Neuropsychological differentiation of children and adults with and without non-psychotic, unipolar major depressive disorder., Saadia-Anne. Ahmad


Effect of welding on the width of the heat-affected zone of aluminum alloys., Vincent Aleo


Computer analysis of composite documents with non-uniform background., Yasser Alginahi


Allegories of walking in the modern age., Andries Alkema


Advancement of waste management strategies in developing nations (Costa Rica)., Luis Alvarez


The origin of dolomite in the Devonian Wabamun carbonates, Pine Creek Field, west-central Alberta, Olugbemi ( (Mac) Amurawaiye


Olfactory biology of two vertebrate species: Central projection of a subpopulation of olfactory sensory neurons in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and the production of putative reproductive pheromone(s) in the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), Wesley J. Arbuckle


Crush characteristics of quasi-statically loaded square aluminum tubes with circular hole discontinuities., Bryan Arnold


Photoconductivity and acoustic wave interaction with charge carriers in cadmium sulfide., Wesley Arthur


The relationship between cumulative low back loads and heart rate determined physical activity level during non-occupational tasks., Nadia R. Azar


Bioturbation by Hexagenia larvae (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) and its implications for sediment suspension in Lake Erie., Andre M. Bachteram


Determination of the equivalent thickness of base layer of flexible pavement reinforced by geogrid., Md Badruzzaman


Effects of temperature and radiation on air-soil exchange of mercury., Ripon Banik


Abused women's perspectives on the criminal justice system's response to domestic violence., Paula C. Barata


New molecular and polymeric frameworks via metal -ligand self -assembly and hydrogen-bonding., Derek A. Beauchamp


Titanium phosphinimide complexes for ethylene polymerization catalysis: Synthetic, computational and polymerization testing investigations., Chad Lee Beddie


Interspecific hybridization between sympatric coastal cutthroat and coastal rainbow/steelhead trout on Vancouver Island, British Columbia: A conservation and evolutionary examination., Corwyn Matthew Bettles


Active congestion control using ABCD (available bandwidth-based congestion detection)., Aniruddha Bharadwaj


Reconstructing Freire, extending Habermas: The contribution of critical pedagogy to communicative action and the possibility of democracy., Joel Blok


Mapping the lines: An exploration of mobility and urban spaces amongst bicycle couriers., Philip J. Boyle


Multiple voices in HIV and AIDS: A comparison of the discourses of Christian religion and public health (Kenya)., Chris Brouillard-Coyle


Crime, cultural reintegration and community healing: Narratives of an Inuit community (Nunavut)., Kate J. Burkhardt


Lewis acid-base interactions in the synthesis of titanium phosphinimide cations., Lourdes Isabel Cabrera Lara


A study of the viscosities and densities of some multi-component regular non-electrolyte solutions at different temperatures., Ruo Cai