The University of Windsor is a comprehensive university with 70 Masters and Doctoral programs in Arts and Social Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Human Kinetics, Nursing, and Science.

To browse theses and dissertations by department and faculty please visit our faculties, departments and research units page.

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This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of University of Windsor students from 1954 forward.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2000


The molecular chaperone (hsp70) and its potential roles during dormancy and germination of Dictyostelium discoideum spores; correlation with action tyrosine phosphorylation., David Nicholas. Cervi


Role of the paired-like gene Pitx1 in Xenopus head development., Wing Yean. Chang


Modeling distributed asynchronous processes using events and calculus of communicating systems., Hon Chun Patrick. Chan


Theoretical effective length factors for cross-braced solid round diagonals., Zonghua. Chen


The effects of spatial scale on the structure of coral reef fish populations and assemblages., Paul M. Chittaro

Microelectromechanical (MEMS) VLSI structures for hearing instruments., Sazzadur Chowdhury


Microelectromechanical (MEMS) VLSI structures for hearing instruments., Sazzadur. Chowdhury


Predictors of quality of life and adjustment to chronic fatigue syndrome., Janette Marie. Collier


Interpreting the MMPI-2 K scale: Self-deception and impression management revisited., Kerry Allyson. Collins


Students' perceptions of effort in mathematics., Debra Ann. Cooper


Predicting treatment outcome in chemically dependent women: A test of Marlatt and Gordon's Relapse Model., Renee Marie Agnes. Cormier


Residual stresses in hot-rolled solid round steel bars and their effect on the compressive resistance of members., Yongcong. Ding


The New Democratic Party and the union vote., Kevin John Gordon. Dowler


Investigation of damping treatments for propeller shaft vibration., Jennifer Lynn. Durfy


Femininity, sexuality and sport: A case study of female inter-university varsity athletes., Carolyn L. Dutot


Width-dependent characteristics of pile/soil system subjected to lateral force., Ahmed Mohamed. Elmarakbi


Morality, law, and the needs of future persons: A study in environmental philosophy., Anthony Italo. Fabiano


The effect of perceived gender role congruence and perceived sexual orientation on the selection interview process., Charles Peter. Fehr


Comparative hatching, growth, and overwinter survival of age-0 yellow perch (Perca flavescens Mitchill) in temperate lakes of the Great Lakes Basin., Dean Gregory. Fitzgerald


Efficient DCT blocks in sub-micron CMOS., Tracy Ann. Franklin


Fatigue response of the spine to asymmetrical lifting and lowering., Derek Fredrick. Fraser


Women's stories of power: Exploring reclamation and subversion of heterosexual sex., Julie Marie. Fraser


Exposure dynamics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in the food web of western Lake Erie and the Detroit River., Sarah Beth. Gewurtz


Reduction of alkali-silica expansion in mortars by ground glass replacement., Cyrus. Ghamari


Public education as a marketing medium: An examination of corporate-sponsored curriculum used in the Canadian public school classroom., Jeremy Stewart. Gillies