The University of Windsor is a comprehensive university with 70 Masters and Doctoral programs in Arts and Social Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Human Kinetics, Nursing, and Science.

To browse theses and dissertations by department and faculty please visit our faculties, departments and research units page.

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This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of University of Windsor students from 1954 forward.

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Theses/Dissertations from 1993


Acoustic investigation and new depositional model for the development of the St. Clair Delta, Ontario, Canada., Mark Daniel. Christensen


Reconciling equality and difference: British interwar feminism and the debate over protective legislation., Anne. Clendinning


A prolog based silicon compiler for topological layouts of switching-graphs., Arindam. Das


The effects of load on lifting characteristics of the parallel squat., Iveta. Doktor


The use of Shakow's reaction time procedure to measure components of attention in brain damaged individuals., Steven. Donaghy


Engagement in study behaviours: The role of personological variable and perceived course characteristics., Annette Dufresne


Computer simulation of air to water reversed heat engines., Joseph R. Emersberger


The effects of various goal-setting techniques on goal attributes., Dennis Gary. Fairall


'Exhilaration and anxiety': The contemporary peacekeeping debate in Canada., Brian. Falck


Light scattering from periodic surfaces and turned surface roughness measurement., Yiying. Fan


The final frontier: Critical theory and the Star Trek phenomenon., Michael Eugene. Farkas


Effects of an intergenerational program on children's and teachers' attitudes towards aging and seniors' attitudes towards volunteering in the schools., Mary Alison. Feniak


Measurements of the Zeeman mixing cross section of (6)(2)P(1/2)Cs atoms, induced by collision with helium gases., Ju. Gao


Human rights in the Canada-China relationship: The impact of the Tiananmen Square massacre., Paul. Gecelovsky


Three-dimensional analysis of composite soil-steel structures., Youssef Fouad Girges


Batching for multi-item single-machine and multi-item multi-machine., Hamda. Halleb


Life history characteristics and size variation of the burrowing mayfly Hexagenia (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae): Maternal vs. environmental constraints., Elizabeth Christene. Hanes


The validity of a model-based procedure for assessing episodic memory., Michael C. S. Harnadek


Can we practice what they preach? The application of theory in radio and development communication., Amanda Rosemary. Hayne


Elastic and ultimate behaviour of skew composite slab-on-steel girder bridges., Alaa El-Din Ahmed. Helba


Effects of load and task duration on selected kinematic variables during a manual materials handling task on an inclined surface., Ronald David. Henderson


Development, culture and cattle (re)production in the context of neoliberalism: A case study from Guanacaste province, Costa Rica., Brian. Hilbers


The effects of career plateauing on self-efficacy expectations, career coping strategies, and job outcomes among police, David. Hoath


Expression of lysosomal cysteine protease activities in differentiating hepatocyte and myoblast cells in culture., Derek Thomas. Jane


A dynamic mass inventory model for activated sludge systems., Zhong. Ji