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Conservation Biology
reintroduction biology, conservation genomics, adaptation, acclimation, SNP, genetic diversity, stress
The use and importance of reintroduction as a conservation tool to return a species to its historical range where it has become extirpated will only increase as climate change and human development accelerate habitat loss and population extinctions. Although the number of reintroduction attempts has rapidly increased over the past two decades, the success rate is generally low. As a result of population differences in fitness-related traits and divergent responses to environmental stresses, there is a high likelihood for differential performance among potential source populations upon reintroduction. It is well known that population performance upon reintroduction is highly variable and it is generally agreed that selecting an appropriate source population is a critical component of a successful reintroduction.
Recommended Citation
He, Xiaoping; Johansson, Mattias L.; and Heath, Daniel D.. (2016). Role of genomics and transcriptomics in selection of reintroduction source populations. Conservation Biology.
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