Making of Memory
Lorenzo Buj, Jeffrey Olick, and Morris Moscovitch
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 14
Ritual Economies
Lorenzo Buj, Ronald Grimes, Penne Restad, Richard Cavell, and William Doty
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 13
The garden : myth, meaning and metaphor
Brian John Day, Jon Lovett-Doust, Brigitte Weltman-Aron, D. Fairchild Ruggles, Edwinna von Baeyer, and Mark Laird
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 12
Le passage du Détroit : 300 ans de présence francophone = Passages : three centuries of francophone presence at le Détroit
Ross Paul, Marcel Bénéteau, Ken Landry, Andre Lapierre, Michel Gaulin, Karen Marrero, Lina Gouger, Jean Lamarre, Marthe Faribault, Peter Halford, Pierre Rezeau, Robert Vézina, Marcel Bénéteau, Dennis Au, Jean-Pierre Pichette, Jean Du Berger, Jay Gitlin, Gaétan Gervais, Fernand Ouellet, Jack Cecillon, Yves Frenette, Roger Lozon, and Brian Tanguay
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 11
Urban places, urban pleasures: the cultural use of civic space
Alan Sears, Lois Smedick, Peter Baldwin, David Higgs, and Barrie Ratcliffe
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 10
Mappa mundi : mapping culture, mapping the world
Jacqueline Murray, James W. Flanagan, James Raven, and Kirsty Duncan
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 9
Dimensions of Time
Jacqeline Murray, Maureen Muldoon, Wesley Stevens, Norman Ramsey, Elizabeth Grosz, and Stephen Bertman
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 8
Time: whether we’ve too much time on our hands or no time to stop and think, whether time flies or marches slowly, whether we are clock watchers or don’t own a watch, perennially late or inevitably early, the nature of time preoccupies us all. It is fitting, then, that this volume, the last to appear in the century beginning with “nineteen,” should take as its theme “Dimensions of Time.” This volume, as have all in the series, examines a topic of contemporary interest from a variety of historical and disciplinary perspectives.
Food, cookery and culture
Leslie Howsam, Barbara Wheaton, Ester Reiter, and Barbara Haber
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 7
We live in a culture of food. Everyone eats: but what we eat, where and how we eat, and with home we eat: these are matters of culture. The essays that make up this volume introduce us to the complexity and richness of the scholarship associated with the preparation, distribution and consumption of food, and the parallel study of food construed as cultural form and cultural practice, now and in the past.
The Humanities and the Future of the University
Jacqueline Murray and Meagan Pufahl
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 6
Expanding health care perspectives: policy making towards the year 2000
Mary Louise Drake, Jacqueline Murray, Maureen Muldoon, Anne Forrest, and Alan Sears
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 5
Proceedings of the workshop held at the Humanities Research Group, University of Windsor, March 31, 1995
Public and private
David Klinck
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 4
Lectures given 1994-95 as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series "Public and private", sponsored by the Humanities Research Group.
With a song in her heart : a celebration of Canadian women composers
Janice Drakich, Edward Kovarik, and Ramona Lumpkin
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 3
Proceedings of the conference held at the University of Windsor, March 11-12, 1994.
Constructing Sexualities
Jacqueline Murray
Humanities Research Group Working Papers 1
Lectures given 1992-1993 as part of the Distinguished speaker series "Constructing sexualities" sponsored by the Humanities Research Group, University of Windsor.