"Tracking the Trends of the Self-Represented Litigant Phenomenon: Data" by Kaila Scarrow, Julie Macfarlane et al.

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From 2011-2013, Dr. Julie Macfarlane studied the experiences of self-representation in Canada in three provinces: Ontario, British Columbia, and Alberta. She conducted detailed personal interviews and/or focus group interviews with 259 self-represented litigants (SRLs). After the publication of Dr. Macfarlane’s initial report in 2013, SRLs continued to contact the National Self-Represented Litigants Project (NSRLP). This led the research team to develop an “Intake Form” in SurveyMonkey, in order to continue to collect information from SRLs across Canada. While the data provided from the replies to the Intake Form is less detailed than the original study interviews, the questionnaire tracks SRL demographics using some of the same variables, such as income, education level and party status. It also asks questions about the SRL’s experience with prior legal services, mediation services, and bringing a support person to court. The Intake Form also provides a glimpse into SRL personal experiences based on a final question which is “open format”. NSRLP is committed to continued reporting on the SRL phenomenon. Our last report on intake data spanned from April 1, 2015-December 31, 2016, and included data from 73 respondents. This latest Report presents data from 66 respondents, collected from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017.

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