"Opening the Dialogue: The SRL Phenomenon - Final Event Report" by Julie Macfarlane

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The Dialogue Event was conceived as an opportunity for self-represented litigants in family and civil court to directly describe their experiences to justice system actors – lawyers, judges, court services staff and policymakers – to address embedded assumptions about their motivations and impact on the justice system. 45 justice system representatives from the three participating provinces and 15 self-represented litigants (SRL’s) attended. As a dialogue process, the event was intended to create relationships among people who while they play very different roles (in the justice system), may share a common purpose in recognizing the need for the system to adjust to the phenomenon of SRL’s. A sense of common purpose allows for problem diagnosis and a beginning discussion about possible solutions. The structure of the Dialogue Event focused on sharing experiences but also working in small groups on aspects of the challenges facing the justice system, including the response of both public and private legal services to the huge growth in the number of SRL’s, the response of the community and court services, the judicial role in relation to SRL’s, and the development of simplified forms and procedures. This Report describes both the diagnostic and the problem-solving aspects of the discussions, and also tries to capture something of the spirit of the event and its impact on understandings among the participants of their different roles and experiences in the justice system, using some snippets from the discussions and some direct quotes from participants. It also highlights the shared values which emerged regarding the need for real access to justice for Canadians.
