SLIFE, literacy, numeracy, refugee, multiliteracy pedagogies.
Since 2010, Ontario’s education system has taken in an increasing number of students from refugee families, many of whom have limited literacy and numeracy skills and are classified as students with limited and interrupted formal education (SLIFE). To ensure the success of these students, it is important to identify the most effective ways to address their unique learning needs. However, there is currently limited research on this subpopulation in Ontario. Therefore, in order to understand the academic challenges this subpopulation faces, a comprehensive literature review has been conducted with the purpose of establishing the issues that influence this phenomenon. Findings from the literature explored indicate that these students have unique social and emotional needs that are compounded by language barriers, all of which inhibit their academic success. Moreover, their ways of knowing are seldom recognized in schools. These issues collectively lead to higher dropout rates. In order to effectively support SLIFE, educators must adopt multiliteracy pedagogies and provide mentorship programs and counselling services. It is also recommended that future research explore the different multiliteracies approaches teachers can utilize to determine which are most effective in supporting this population.
Primary Advisor
Dr. Christopher Greig
Program Reader
Dr. Susan Holloway
Degree Name
Master of Education
Document Type
Major Research Paper
Convocation Year