economic inequality, sustainability, social inequality, gender disparities, labour exploitation
This paper addresses the importance and effects of supply chain management practices. Supply chain management practices have a strong influence on businesses and workers worldwide. When overlooked, supply chain management practices can cause detrimental impacts on a social, economic, and environmental level. The paper discusses economic and social inequality, and unethical practices in supply chain management. Supply chain management is examined on a global scale first, then nationally in Canada and across a number of other comparison countries. Disparities and inequalities across supply chain management are discussed. Further, the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is discussed and related to inequality in supply chain management. This paper addresses the inequality issues prevalent in supply chain management and proposes multiple recommendations, such as the implementation of audits by management, to help mitigate or prevent inequality. Finally, key recommendations for further research and the main contributions are provided.
Primary Advisor
Dr. Kent Walker
Program Reader
Dr. Eahab Elsaid
Degree Name
Master of Business Administration
Business Administration
Document Type
Major Research Paper
Convocation Year