Philosophy, Sociology, Critical Theory, Hartmut Rosa, Resonance, Alienation
This paper relies on the work of Charles Taylor, Rahel Jaeggi, and Harmut Rosa to develop a method of ‘second-person critique.’ This is developed in opposition to first-person critique, otherwise known as self criticism, and third-person critique, which I take to be representative of instrumental reason. I criticize instrumental reason from Taylor’s perspective, while also relying on Martin Heidegger and Martin Buber to do the same. To further develop Rosa’s theory of resonance, I rely on David Graeber. I conclude by suggesting that while phenomenology has long accounted for our embodied relationship to the world, a ‘resonant phenomenology’ that includes the preceding authors can account for an understanding of others as embodied in the same manner that we are.
Primary Advisor
Andrea Sullivan-Clarke
Program Reader
Radu Neculau
Degree Name
Master of Arts
Document Type
Major Research Paper
Convocation Year
Included in
Comparative Philosophy Commons, Continental Philosophy Commons, Ethics and Political Philosophy Commons, Other Philosophy Commons