Major Papers


Retirement, pensions, economy, public sector, private sector, employment


Canada’s labour force has been gradually growing older in recent decades. An aging labour force creates significant problems for the country and the future growth of our economy. With an aging labour force, comes the need to start rethinking how Canadians look at retirement in the 21st century and how both the government and private sector can contribute solutions to adapting to an older workforce. This problem is not unique to Canada, most of the industrialized west has been or will begin to experience the same demographic shift as we are in Canada. The main challenge this paper examines is the changing demographic Canada will be facing within our labour force and how this will affect retirement of our older workers. I will examine these demographic changes and what they mean for Canada’s labour force, specifically looking at how both the government and the private sector can rethink retirement in the 21st century. To do this, I will examine other western industrialized nations like Japan, Germany and the US that have been experiencing a similar aging labour force as Canada will be shortly. Examining the question and the difficulties of the topic is the first step in providing exposure to at least some of the viable options from government, private industry and even the individual themselves, that can be implemented to deal with the demographic shift and secure a strong economy for the future of the country

Primary Advisor

Lydia Miljan

Program Reader

John Sutcliffe

Degree Name

Master of Arts


Political Science

Document Type

Internship Paper

Convocation Year

