Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada: A Symposium | Conferences and Conference Proceedings | University of Windsor


About the Project

Symposium Date: September 28-29, 2018, University of Windsor

“Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada” is a multi-part project developed by a team of historians, human kinetics scholars, literary scholars, and librarians at the University of Windsor. This project seeks to collect the stories of Canadian athletes of colour, preserve them for future generations, and disseminate them as widely as possible. We seek to engage scholars, K-12 students and teachers, and members of the general public in exploring, sharing, and documenting these vital chapters of Canadian history. Over the next two years, we will develop and launch the three inter-related parts of this project: "Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada: A Symposium, "Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada: A Digital Archive and Resource Centre" and "Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada: Using Comics to Preserve and Teach History." Please watch this space for further developments.

This project is a collaboration between the University of Windsor (with faculty members from History, Leddy Library, Human Kinetics, English) and community partners Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society and the Essex County Black Historical Research Society.

“Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada” is funded by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connections Grant, and by the University of Windsor (History, Leddy Library, FAHSS, VP Research).


Questions about the event can be sent to

The University of Windsor campus sits on Anishinabe Territory. The Anishinabe in the Windsor area known as the Ojibwa, Odawa and Potawtomi Nations, or the Three Fires Confederacy. Today the Anishinabe of the Three Fires Confederacy are represented by Walpole Island First Nation.

Browse the contents of Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada:

Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada - September 29th
Keynotes: Ornella Nzindukiyimana, Saint Francis Xavier University -- Bob Dawson, Ottawa ON: speaker, writer, athlete
Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada - September 28th
Keynotes: Janelle Joseph, University of Toronto -- Colin Howell, Saint Mary's University - Canada
Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada - September 27th