This collection showcases University of Windsor and Assumption College publications that have been digitized and made freely available online.
Assumption College High School 1929-1930
Assumption High School (Windsor)
This booklet only covers the High School stream of Assumption College.
See also the Assumption College Calendars
Assumption College High School 1932-1933
Assumption High School (Windsor)
This booklet only covers the High School stream of Assumption College.
See also the Assumption College Calendars
Assumption College Honor Roll 1939-1945
Assumption College (Windsor)
Assumption College, Windsor, Ontario, Memorial Church Parade in Honor of Former Students of Assumption College who gave their lives in World War II., 1939-1945, Sunday, March 24th at 3 pm.
Assumption College Old Boys 1870-1920
Assumption College (Windsor)
A list of the students and graduates of Assumption College (Windsor) from 1870-1920. The list is not entirely complete or accurate.
Assumption College Quarterly Review
Assumption College (Windsor)
Student newspaper / magazine of Assumption College (Windsor) for 1941-1943?
Assumption College, Sandwich, Ontario, Canada: Souvenir
Assumption College (Windsor)
24p. book of postcards; ca. 1924; Assumption College Archives, box 146
Assumption High School Reporter
Assumption High School (Windsor)
Student newspaper of Assumption High School (Windsor), formerly part of Assumption College (Windsor). It began publication in 1937.
Assumption Review 1933-1934
Assumption College (Windsor)
Student publication of Assumption College (Windsor, Ontario); published May 1934
Assumption College (Windsor)
The Basilides, the Assumption College diamond jubilee publication of 1930, seeks to convey through its pages the progress of Alma Mater and the accomplishments of her students, past and present. May this book reflect the supreme sacrifice and undaunted zeal of the Basilians. Out of their early trials and later struggles has arisen a greater Assumption, enhanced today by a background of splendid and glorious traditions.
Biology: New Facilities at University of Windsor
University of Windsor
The new, non-denominational University of Windsor, launched in 1963, began with a campus, physical plant and traditions dating back to the establishment of Assumption College (later Assumption University) in 1857, and based upon the pioneering work of the Basilian Fathers since 1870.
The New Biology Building at the University of Windsor, occupied early in 1966, provided the most modern laboratory facilities and equipment available. Faculty members planned the building over a two-year period, with special consideration for the inter-relationship of teaching and research. The result was a building in which research areas, labs and seminar rooms are strategically located to facilitate close contact between professors and students in their exploration of the frontiers of Biology.
College Of The Assumption, Sandwich, Ontario, Proposed Additions
S M. Goddard
Architectural drawings for the east-west oriented south wing of Assumption College. It was completed in 1876 and was demolished in 1984. S. M. Goddard was the architect. He was also the architect for the north-south oriented building (1884) that still stands today. "S. M. Goddard, Architect, Windsor, Ontario, March 1875; Delisle And Son, Reaume And Son"; scale: 8 feet to one inch.
Dionysian: Year Book of Assumption College
Assumption College (Windsor)
The Dionysian is the year book of Assumption College volume 1 from 1915. This book includes information on the history of Assumption College and an introduction by Archbishop O'Connor.
Golden Jubilee Assumption College
Assumption College (Windsor)
The prime essential of a Jubilee Volume is that it be truly reminiscent of the past; not in a general way, but in the actual revival of facts that lie in the remote cabinets of memory and need but the touch of some associated suggestion to open them to the full light of recollection. It is not necessary that the incidents of the past be depicted in accurate detail, but merely that some passing allusion suggest to the mind the path to complete remembrance. "Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit.” So said Aeneas, by way of encouraging his companions, and who has not found how eternally true are his words? How inexpressibly dear to us these early days remain, but they must be given back, all bright and blooming, in a steady, cheerful light, as if they happened but yesterday. If this volume proves an Open Sesame to the past, the highest aim of the editors will have been achieved. They have had in view the former students of the College, whose memories will evoke their delightful stores of recollections, and enable them to live over again the scenes, of which each one may say,"Magna pars fui."
Library Building for Assumption University of Windsor, Architectural Drawings
Pennington And Carter, Architects
7 sheets; architects: Pennington And Carter; job 1152; sheets 1-4 are dated May 18, 1957; sheets 5-7 are updated to March 31, 1983.
Odette School of Business, University of Windsor, 2003-2004 Yearbook
Odette School of Business, University of Windsor
Year book of the graduating class, Spring Convocation, 2004.
President's Report: An Historical Review of the University of Windsor, 1972-1978
J. F. Leddy
University of Windsor president's report on enrollment, the library, degrees granted, and finances for 1972-1978.
St. Denis Hall 1890-1981: A Tribute
University of Windsor and University of Windsor, Student Administrative Council
The students, faculty, alumni and staff of the University of Windsor and citizens of the City of Windsor will be witnessing in the next six months the closing of one of Windsor's most historical sports centre and the opening of the new multi-purpose complex built by the same people who used St. Denis Hall.
We at the Students' Administrative Council felt it to be imperative that a brochure be published representing the activities: sports, Cultural and educational that has taken place over the some odd 80 years of existence.
University of Western Ontario. Faculty of Arts. Announcement 1942-1947
University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario)
At this time, Assumption College was affiliated with the University of Western Ontario. These calendars contain information about courses offered at Assumption College.
See also: Assumption College Calendars
University of Windsor, Leddy Library, Proposed Extension, Architectural Plans
Diamond And Schmitt, Architects
11 sheets: 6 sheets dated July 9, 2007; 5 sheets dated July 24, 2007 with scale 1/32 of an inch equals 1 foot; project no. 0651