Improving Stroke Disability Through Neural Reorganization
Type of Proposal
Oral Research Presentation
Challenges Theme
Open Challenge
Faculty Sponsor
Dr. Christos Strubakos
Neuroscience has made strides in recent years allowing insight into the molecular and regional anatomy and function of the brain. This has given researchers an advantage in seeking novel therapies for neurological disorders, specifically stroke. This review outlines the current understanding of neurological repair after stroke and the neuroimaging techniques that enable further study. Neuronal connectivity has varying levels of complexity that allow neuronal networks to process information and give rise to our daily functioning. As stroke causes the death of groups of regional neurons, it is likely that the reestablishment of function seen in some stroke patients is related to shifting patterns of functional connectivity. This paper elucidates the timeline and limits on the amount of functional recovery, as well as the differences in organization of neuronal networks in a healthy versus post stroke brain. A long-lasting period of enhanced neuroplasticity post-stroke has been found that enables functional improvement even at late chronic stages. Finally, we discuss how the previous methods of imaging are critical in understanding the mechanisms of functional recovery. The best understood mechanism of neural repair is axonal sprouting, a process where new nerve fibres sprout from intact axons to reinnervate target cells. The three distinct types are discussed, along with potential ways of imaging them in rodents. The hope is that, with a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying brain recovery, researchers can apply this in clinical settings to better help stroke patients recover from this debilitating disease and greatly improve quality of life and autonomy.
Grand Challenges
Viable, Healthy and Safe Communities
Improving Stroke Disability Through Neural Reorganization
Neuroscience has made strides in recent years allowing insight into the molecular and regional anatomy and function of the brain. This has given researchers an advantage in seeking novel therapies for neurological disorders, specifically stroke. This review outlines the current understanding of neurological repair after stroke and the neuroimaging techniques that enable further study. Neuronal connectivity has varying levels of complexity that allow neuronal networks to process information and give rise to our daily functioning. As stroke causes the death of groups of regional neurons, it is likely that the reestablishment of function seen in some stroke patients is related to shifting patterns of functional connectivity. This paper elucidates the timeline and limits on the amount of functional recovery, as well as the differences in organization of neuronal networks in a healthy versus post stroke brain. A long-lasting period of enhanced neuroplasticity post-stroke has been found that enables functional improvement even at late chronic stages. Finally, we discuss how the previous methods of imaging are critical in understanding the mechanisms of functional recovery. The best understood mechanism of neural repair is axonal sprouting, a process where new nerve fibres sprout from intact axons to reinnervate target cells. The three distinct types are discussed, along with potential ways of imaging them in rodents. The hope is that, with a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying brain recovery, researchers can apply this in clinical settings to better help stroke patients recover from this debilitating disease and greatly improve quality of life and autonomy.