UWill Discover Sustainable Futures
Type of Proposal
Oral Research Presentation
Challenges Theme
Open Challenge
Faculty Sponsor
UWill Discover Sustainable Futures is a year-long peer-reviewed project where students share their scholarship, research, and creative activities in academic and public settings. In the fall and winter semesters, we hosted pre-conference workshops and a writing retreat. During March 21 - 24 and March 31, over 200 students conducted oral presentations, and poster sessions. Students also competed in a policy brief competition in partnership with STEMx Policy at the University of Windsor held on March 4, 2023. In the summer of 2023, we will be publishing conference proceedings from selected works on scholar.uwindsor.ca. In November, four award-winning students will travel to the Model United Nations in Washington DC.
Grand Challenges
Viable, Healthy and Safe Communities
UWill Discover Sustainable Futures
UWill Discover Sustainable Futures is a year-long peer-reviewed project where students share their scholarship, research, and creative activities in academic and public settings. In the fall and winter semesters, we hosted pre-conference workshops and a writing retreat. During March 21 - 24 and March 31, over 200 students conducted oral presentations, and poster sessions. Students also competed in a policy brief competition in partnership with STEMx Policy at the University of Windsor held on March 4, 2023. In the summer of 2023, we will be publishing conference proceedings from selected works on scholar.uwindsor.ca. In November, four award-winning students will travel to the Model United Nations in Washington DC.