Attempted formulation of nutraceutical grade double emulsions using a simple bench-top protocol
Type of Proposal
Oral Research Presentation
Challenges Theme
Open Challenge
Faculty Sponsor
Dr. A. Banerjee, and Prof. J. F. Trant
DESIGN AND CREATION OF OPTIMIZED DOUBLE EMULSIONSJ. Neil, R. Salama, Dr. A. Banerjee, and Prof. J. F. TrantDouble emulsions, containing multiple phases embedded within each other, are unique systems because they allow us to combine hydrophilic and lipophilic components with complementary functionalities within the same emulsion droplet. In this study, we attempt to repurpose the method used by Wang et al. to create single-cored perfluorinated oil double emulsions in water, for the generation of cannabinoid double emulsions. THC or CBD dissolved in carrier lipids with a range of density and viscosity values was used as the lipid phase in these experiments.. The double emulsions were created by initially preparing a water-in-oil emulsion, which was then pipetted into a secondary aqueous phase, and vortexed to produce the final double emulsion (Wang et al., 2021). The emulsions thus produced were analyzed and examined under an optical microscope. While double emulsions were, in fact, created, they all contained multiple cores embedded within a single shell, and were unstable to storage over a period of days, thus confirming that this method is unlikely to succeed in cases where either the lipid or the aqueous phase is made to carry an API. While careful matching of density and viscosity of both phases might produce a solution to this problem, it is unlikely that this protocol will have widespread applicability over a library of APIs. Wang, J., Hahn, S., Amstad, E., & Vogel, N. (2021). Tailored double emulsions made simple. Advanced Materials, 34(5), 2107338.
Grand Challenges
Viable, Healthy and Safe Communities
Attempted formulation of nutraceutical grade double emulsions using a simple bench-top protocol
DESIGN AND CREATION OF OPTIMIZED DOUBLE EMULSIONSJ. Neil, R. Salama, Dr. A. Banerjee, and Prof. J. F. TrantDouble emulsions, containing multiple phases embedded within each other, are unique systems because they allow us to combine hydrophilic and lipophilic components with complementary functionalities within the same emulsion droplet. In this study, we attempt to repurpose the method used by Wang et al. to create single-cored perfluorinated oil double emulsions in water, for the generation of cannabinoid double emulsions. THC or CBD dissolved in carrier lipids with a range of density and viscosity values was used as the lipid phase in these experiments.. The double emulsions were created by initially preparing a water-in-oil emulsion, which was then pipetted into a secondary aqueous phase, and vortexed to produce the final double emulsion (Wang et al., 2021). The emulsions thus produced were analyzed and examined under an optical microscope. While double emulsions were, in fact, created, they all contained multiple cores embedded within a single shell, and were unstable to storage over a period of days, thus confirming that this method is unlikely to succeed in cases where either the lipid or the aqueous phase is made to carry an API. While careful matching of density and viscosity of both phases might produce a solution to this problem, it is unlikely that this protocol will have widespread applicability over a library of APIs. Wang, J., Hahn, S., Amstad, E., & Vogel, N. (2021). Tailored double emulsions made simple. Advanced Materials, 34(5), 2107338.