Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Post-Secondary Science Classrooms
Type of Proposal
Oral Research Presentation
Challenges Theme
Open Challenge
Faculty Sponsor
Dr. George Zhou
As students enter post-secondary school and begin their program of choice, they will encounter individuals that have different backgrounds, views, cultures, and socio-economic statuses. Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) are important aspects to consider within the classroom as each student is unique. This study intends to provide insight into the thoughts instructors and students have about EDI within the classroom, such as teaching materials, assessments, and pedagogy/instruction. To do this, semi-structured interviews will be conducted, transcribed, and categorized into themes to be analyzed. Since many instructors are moving away from the traditional methods of lecturing and into a more active learning environment, the relationship between students, their peers, and instructors becomes more prevalent.
Grand Challenges
Viable, Healthy and Safe Communities
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Post-Secondary Science Classrooms
As students enter post-secondary school and begin their program of choice, they will encounter individuals that have different backgrounds, views, cultures, and socio-economic statuses. Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) are important aspects to consider within the classroom as each student is unique. This study intends to provide insight into the thoughts instructors and students have about EDI within the classroom, such as teaching materials, assessments, and pedagogy/instruction. To do this, semi-structured interviews will be conducted, transcribed, and categorized into themes to be analyzed. Since many instructors are moving away from the traditional methods of lecturing and into a more active learning environment, the relationship between students, their peers, and instructors becomes more prevalent.