Session F: Creating More Humane Jobs: Public and Private Sector Leadership

Presenter Information

Kendra CoulterFollow




humane jobs; animals and work; cruelty investigations work; humane economy

Start Date

12-10-2018 3:00 PM

End Date

12-10-2018 4:15 PM


In addition to offering critiques of the industries which cause extensive animal suffering, provide lousy jobs for people, and harm the environment and public health, more scholarly and political work is needed in order to identify and cultivate alternatives. Pivotal for such efforts are what I call humane jobs: that is, work that is good for both people and animals. Inspired by the promise of interspecies solidarity, in this paper, first I elucidate the key facets of a humane jobs agenda to provide a more detailed picture of the areas of potential and need. Then I examine two of the sub-sectors which warrant further attention: animal cruelty investigations and plant-based businesses. I identify challenges, accomplishments, and areas of possibility, paying particular attention to the opportunities for leadership in the political and economic realms.

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Oct 12th, 3:00 PM Oct 12th, 4:15 PM

Session F: Creating More Humane Jobs: Public and Private Sector Leadership

In addition to offering critiques of the industries which cause extensive animal suffering, provide lousy jobs for people, and harm the environment and public health, more scholarly and political work is needed in order to identify and cultivate alternatives. Pivotal for such efforts are what I call humane jobs: that is, work that is good for both people and animals. Inspired by the promise of interspecies solidarity, in this paper, first I elucidate the key facets of a humane jobs agenda to provide a more detailed picture of the areas of potential and need. Then I examine two of the sub-sectors which warrant further attention: animal cruelty investigations and plant-based businesses. I identify challenges, accomplishments, and areas of possibility, paying particular attention to the opportunities for leadership in the political and economic realms.