Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Fatigue crack propagation in steel components at resonance., Sameh. Guirgis
Premixed ammonia-methane-air combustion., Kenneth R. C. Mann
Continuous flow system for combined chemical and enzyme-catalyzed removal of nitroaromatics from synthetic wastewater., Ramkrishna. Mantha
Load distribution in curved composite concrete deck-steel multiple-spine box girder bridges., Said Ibrahim. Nour
Effect of hydraulic retention time and attachment media on sulfide production by sulfate-reducing bacteria., Beatriz Carolina. Polo-Christy
Manganese dioxide-induced permeability reduction of porous media during permangnate oxidation of chlorinated alkenes., Jaspreet. Randhawa
Behaviour and strength of concrete beams reinforced and/or prestressed with FRP bars., Sameh Michel Rafla. Salib
An objective method for the assessment of the impacts of odourous emissions from stationary sources., Anamika. Sikdar
Evaluation of ozone as primary disinfectant at the A. H. Weeks WTP, Windsor, Ontario., Juliann. Sladic
Experimental investigation of flow patterns in meandering channels of moderate sinuosity., William Donald. Tape
Oxygen kinetics in the laccase-catalyzed removal of cresols and phenol from water., Yongqiang. Wang
Characteristics and mechanism of the synergistic effect between erosion and corrosion., Jianhui (Jeffrey). Xie
Evaluation of impact factors of straight and horizontally curved composite concrete deck-steel cellular bridges., Xuesheng. Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Modeling of cellular manufacturing systems with productivity consideration: A simulated annealing algorithm., Abduelghani I. Abduelmola
A study of different methods for determination of regime channel geometry with application to streams in southwestern Ontario., Sarah Frances. Ackert
Initiation of bed deformation in meandering channels: A theoretical and numerical study., Dipanneeta. Banerjee
Effects of humidity on the adsorption of coating solvent (m-xylene) on activated carbon., Sukanta Basu
Effects of humidity on the adsorption of coating solvent (m-xylene) on activated carbon., Sukanta. Basu
Theoretical effective length factors for cross-braced solid round diagonals., Zonghua. Chen
Residual stresses in hot-rolled solid round steel bars and their effect on the compressive resistance of members., Yongcong. Ding
Width-dependent characteristics of pile/soil system subjected to lateral force., Ahmed Mohamed. Elmarakbi
Pilot plant study on the formation of bromate during pre-coagulation ozonation., Diane. Guerrieri
Seismic damage assessment of moment-resisting steel frames., Karim Helmi
Bond strength and characteristics of carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) bars in concrete beams., Ee Yeong. Lim
Effective length factors for solid round members in K-braced and Z-braced antenna towers., Hong Leong. Lim
An experimental investigation of potassium permanganate treatment of pooled DNAPL., Melanie Rae. Marshall
Compressive resistance of solid rounds., Nirmal Chandra. Mull
Remediation of soil and groundwater by vacuum-enhanced recovery., Marco. Nardone
FIR filter design using Jacobian elliptic Sn function with wavelet applications., (John) Zhengluo Qiu
Effective length factors for solid round chord members of guyed towers., Adnan Karim. Qureshi
Nitrogenous emissions from the pyrolysis of a municipal solid waste component., Matthew Christopher. Rousseau
Microhabitat selection by the amphipods Echinogammarus ischnus and Gammarus fasciatus in laboratory and field experiments., Colin David Alexander. van Overdijk
Compressive resistance of crimped channels., Anant. Varkekar
Removal of cresols from synthetic wastewater using laccase., Amy B. Vermette
Flexible reinforced pavement structure-sensitivity analysis., Jianbin. Yu
Aging characteristics of solid polymeric materials used for electrical insulation., Hui. Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Studies on the effects of shear reinforcement in rib-stiffened reinforced concrete slabs., Jamal. Al-Aref
Removal of cresols from synthetic wastewater using crude soybean peroxidase., Kaushik. Biswas
Determination of failure mode and efficiency for single angles in tension., James M. Dunlop
Parametric studies of load transfer mechanism of piles embedded in homogeneous soil., Chitta Ranjan. Saha
Effective length factors for solid round diagonals in guyed communication towers., Yean. Sun
Static and dynamic analyses of guyed antenna towers., Yohanna M. F. Wahba
A criterion function approach to the evaluation of alternatives for treatment of infectious hospital waste., Sanjeeva Reddy. Yerabandi
Bed form geometry and friction factor of flow over a bed covered by dunes., Yibing. Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Removal of phenolic compounds from synthetic wastewater using soybean peroxidase., Nicole Marie. Caza
An evaluation of the behaviour of slip-critical connections subjected to combined shear and tension., Claudia Lory. Corro
Effective length factors for solid round diagonal bracing members in lattice towers., Kalid S. Jaboo
Friction, wear and erosion of metallic glass nickel(78) sulfur(10) boron(12)., Zheng (Pamela). Jin
Finite element analysis of eccentrically loaded angles., Ramgopal. Nandula
A study of the predictive models for the viscosity of multi-component liquid regular solutions., Abdulghanni Hasan. Nhaesi
Identification of modulus of subgrade reaction of soils at pile/soil interface., Dejan Sekulovic
Compressive strength of eccentrically loaded steel angles., Mehul A. Shani
Biological treatment of heavy metals using sulfate-reducing bacteria., Ken S. Sheth
Quantifying distribution and transport of contaminated sediments in the St. Clair River: The GIS approach (Ontario, Michigan)., Maciej. Tomczak
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Buckling of built-up columns., Ghada Mohamed. Elmahdy
A skew third order upwinding scheme for modelling settling tanks., Hany Zarif Amin. Gerges
Compressive strength of steel single angles loaded through two-bolts in one leg., Raymond. Haidar
Laboratory scale modelling of soil vapour extraction (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene)., Grant Charles. Hilbers
Enhancement of BTEX biodegradation in subsurface environments., Nataliya. Kordonska
Viscometric properties of dilute lubricating oil-polymer solutions over a wide temperature range., Daniel John Christopher. LaRiviere
Improving the performance of soil-metal structures subjected to loss of soil support., Karlos Ernesto. Melgar
Wave forces on cubical armour units on submerged and low-crested breakwaters., Wasi Tri. Pramono
Single-angle compression members welded by one leg to gusset plates., Sherief Sharl Shukry. Sakla
Hydraulic study of secondary stilling basins., Taban. Sowlati Hashjani
Viscometric behavior of dilute dewaxed base oil-polymer solutions over a wide temperature range., M. Jason. Warren
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
An experimental study of the drag force on a water-supported conveyer belt., Rick. Anema
Formation and removal of aldehydes as ozonation by-products in a pilot-scale water treatment plant., Stephan. Cervi
Biological conversion of hydrogen sulfide to elemental sulfur in a suspended-growth continuous stirred-tank reactor., Paul Frederick. Henshaw
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Geochemistry and geohydrology of the Deccan volcanic rocks of Akole Taluka, Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra State, India., Shashank. Agarwal
Optimization of the reaction conditions for peroxidase catalyzed removal of phenolic compounds from industrial wastewater., Brian J. Dantas
Static and dynamic responses of simply supported and continuous skew composite bridges., Tarek Ibrahim. Ebeido
Concrete culverts reinforced with glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP)., Atef Awad. Hanna
Old and subsurface water contributions to storm runoff generation in flat, fractured, clayey terrain., Mao. Huang
FMS loading with reliability consideration., Abi M. Philipose
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Comparison of mortar properties with properties of manufactured contained sand., Georgios. Agistalis
Removal of trihalomethane precursors in drinking water treatment processes., Maria Teresa. Alarcon Herrera
Thermal analysis and bearing capacity of piles embedded in frozen uniform soils, Issa F. Assali
Sedimentology, dolomitization and neomorphism of the upper Debolt Formation (Mississippian) in the Blueberry Field, northeastern British Columbia., Scott Edward Durocher
A study of the mafic and ultramafic rocks in the Queensborough area, eastern Ontario., Michael John. Harris
Frigid insertion method for piezometer installation in clay soils., Christopher Michael. Hudec
Experimental study of wave forces on a quarry stone armour unit of a submerged breakwater., Wasi Tri. Pramono
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Static and dynamic responses of prestressed concrete beams with openings., Hany Ahmed Aly. Abdalla
Behaviour of curved reinforced and prestressed concrete waffle slab bridges., Alaa Aly El-Sayed M. Aly
Petrographic analysis and durability of fine aggregates., Samuel. Boateng
Acoustic investigation and new depositional model for the development of the St. Clair Delta, Ontario, Canada., Mark Daniel. Christensen
Three-dimensional analysis of composite soil-steel structures., Youssef Fouad Girges
Elastic and ultimate behaviour of skew composite slab-on-steel girder bridges., Alaa El-Din Ahmed. Helba
A dynamic mass inventory model for activated sludge systems., Zhong. Ji
Fluid inclusion geochemistry and rare earth element distributions in the Oka carbonatite, Quebec., Weining. Liu
Cryogenic recovery of tire rubber., Antonio (Tony). Mancina
Concrete deicing salts amelioration., Sean Patrick. McCann
Experimental deformation and kinematics of some Grenville marble mylonites., Lisa Marie. McCrone
An isotopic study of the Palata Creek watershed, Lubombo area, eastern Swaziland., Obed M. Ngwenya
Mass transport of selected volatile organic compounds from liquid phase into air phase., Jian. Peng
Balanced and unbalanced welds for angle compression members., Sherief Sharl Shukry. Sakla
Compressive resistance and block shear strength of anglers., Krishna Kishore Sankisa