Publications on the scholarship of teaching and learning from the Centre for Teaching and Learning | Centre for Teaching and Learning | University of Windsor

Research on the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education at the University of Windsor crosses disciplinary boundaries as scholars from diverse backgrounds contribute to this literature. This page hosts the publications of researchers from the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Windsor.


Submissions from 2020


The Capability Approach: A proposed framework for experiential learning in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Timothy A. Brunet, Hassan Shaban, and Stephanie Gonçalves

Submissions from 2015


The Interplay of Space, Place and Identity: Transforming Our Learning Experiences in an Outdoor Setting, Alice Cassify, Alan W. Wright, William B. Strean, and Gavan Watson


Learning Outcomes Assessment A Practitioner's Handbook, Lori Goff, Michael K. Potter, Eleanor Pierre, Thomas Carey, Amy Gullage, Erika Kustra, Rebecca Lee, Valerie Lopes, Leslie Marshall, Lynn Martin, Jessica Raffoul, Abeer Siddiqui, and Greg Van Gaste


Teaching Culture Perception: Documenting and Transforming Institutional Teaching Cultures, Erika Kustra, Florida Doci, Kaitlyn Gillard, Catharine Dishke Hondzel, Lori Goff, Danielle Gabay, Ken Meadows, Paola Borin, Donna Ellis, Hoda Eiliat, Jill Grose, Debra Dawson, and Sandy Hughes


The Effects of Long-Term Systematic Educational Development on the Beliefs and Attitudes of University Teachers, Michael K. Potter, Erika Kustra, Thiemann Ackerson, and Laura Prada

Books from 2014


Navigating large foundational classes: Providing scalable infrastructure for next generation blended learning classrooms to enhance student learning outcomes, access and choice, Nick Baker


Teaching Culture Indicators: Enhancing Quality Teaching, Erika Kustra, Ken N. Meadows, Debra Dawson, Catharine Dishke Hondzel, Lori Goff, Peter Wolf, Donna Ellis, Jill Grose, Paola Borin, and Sandy E. Hughes


Shared Modular Course Development: A Feasibility Study, Alan W. Wright, Beverley Hamilton, Joy Mighty, Elaine Scharfe, Bill Muirhead, and Susan Vail


The Ontario Universities’ Teaching Evaluation Toolkit: Feasibility Study, Alan W. Wright, Beverley Hamilton, Joy Mighty, Jill Scott, and Bill Muirhead


Leading the Leaders: Embedded Educational Leadership Initiatives at the University of Windsor, Alan W. Wright, Beverley Hamilton, Jessica Raffoul, and Peter Marval

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


Accommodating the Wikipedia Project in Higher Education: A University of Windsor Case Study, Timothy A. Brunet

Submissions from 2012


Exploring Canadian-American Cross Border Articulation in South Western Ontario, Timothy A. Brunet, Jessica Bukovac, and Julie Norman

Submissions from 2010


L’Accès et la Réussite au Postsecondaire pour les Étudiants Issus de Groupes Sous-Représentés : Un Défi Collectif, Alan W. Wright and Marie-Jeanne Monette


Paddle Your Own Canoe: Metaphors for Teaching Between the Tides, Alan W. Wright, Marie-Jeanne Monette, and Beverley Hamilton