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International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Conference Proceedings

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professional practice, teacher education, ethical and professional standards, reflexivity

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Mentoring teacher candidates to successfully navigate the complex and intersecting roles of student and beginning teacher is a core component of teacher education. The online Professional Practice Tutorial for Beginning Teachers created in 2011 consisted of seven case studies which invited teacher candidates to critically analyze and reflect on the application of the Ontario College of Teachers Ethical and Professional Standards of practice. The tutorial was successful with 26% (540 invited) teacher candidates responding, and 52% of these respondents completing the tutorial. In 2012 the tutorial was enhanced to include video learning objects to accompany case studies based on teacher candidates’ stories from the field. Bell (2010) asserts that in using anti-racist pedagogy, “…stories and words of others sometimes open up less defensive, more honest dialogue” (2010, p. 10). Therefore, storytelling was used to develop case studies based on the experiences of teacher candidates, and to provide a creative opportunity to explore the professional standards of practice in a non-threatening and meaningful manner.

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